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Salvage Operation To Mun


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In my career mode I sent a probe shotgun to Mun. 7 landers onboard 1 ship to gather science on the different biomes, takeoff and return the data back to Kerbin. Well 1 probe had a malfunction and would not decouple from the booster stage. It's stuck in Mun orbit. So I got the idea to try blasting the booster off by using the Whack-A-Mole tool in the Ctrl-F12 menu. Good thing I saved first. Accurately removing tank parts using Whack-A-Mole doesn't work very well. :rolleyes:

So my next thought was to make a controlled crash landing on the surface to see it I could remove the offending tanks that way. Nope, well it did manage to explode 2 tanks off and land on it's side leaving the lander undamaged. Using the lander's legs to push off, I was able to start to cartwheel. Great! I can knock off some more tanks! 8-) Unfortunately it landed on the probe's head, destroying the only thing that controls the lander. :huh:;.;

Ok looks like I need to send a team to collect the data that's stranded on Mun. Oh wait! I have 'The Claw'! I'll build a salvage ship and bring what's left back home... for science! :thumbsup:

Here are pics of my salvage operation...


Edited by Landge
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