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Rendezvousing and Returning to Kerbin with a Class D Asteroid (A Tutorial?)


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So, I originally was just making a video showing my first attempt to get to an asteroid and bring it home. But when recorded the audio, it kinda turned into a tutorial... I figured some people here may appreciate it.

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A very good video and touches upon the same issues I've had and that people may not expect when first going for an asteroid.

However, a puller configuration has a massive disadvantage in that if your engines are pointed at the rock, you will not be able to move at all (the thrust will wash over the rock and cancel out your ship's acceleration by pushing the rock in the opposite direction). For an example of that check out kurtjmac's difficulties in this video --

If you still decide to go ahead with it (perhaps by placing the engines far away from the ship) make sure to "free pivot" while thrusting. By freeing the pivot you would avoid the problems outlined under "Pendulum fallacy" and actually allow your craft to have passive means to seeking stability.

Edited by Origim
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