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Savior Challenge

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Warning! Warning! An asteroid the scientific community has named D.E.A.T.H is hurtling towards kerbin at nearly 3 km a second. This asteroid is just about quadruple the size of Class E's! There is nothing KSP has to stop it.

KSP and fellow Rocket Companies have been tasked with saving kerbin life from it's impending doom. You can't stop the asteroid, but here is what you can do:

Options (highly recommended you try all)

1: Kerbal Life Boats or Probe Ships (to see if anyone survived the impact)

2: Colony/Generation Ship

3: Self-Sustaining Space Station

+ around Kerbin

+ around Mun or Minmus

+ around Moho or Dres

+ around Eve or Duna (more habitable)

+ in Joolian System or Eeloo

4: Mun or Minmus Base

+ on Moho or Dres

+ on Duna or Eve

+ on Joolian Moon or Eeloo

KSP scientists say you have only two Kerbin Days (if you use Earth days that is twelve hours) before the asteroid enters the atmosphere. After it strikes YOU CANNOT go back to the KSP space center to build ships, research, or hire kerbals. You may only use the tracking station to find ships. Engineers suggest you send every part up into orbit FIRST. Then, after the asteroid strikes, dock ships and send them to desired locations.

Mods are allowed if they are not over-powered. Popular mods such as MechJeb and Kethane may be used.

Kerbals cannot wait to see what you came up with! (P.S. save as many as you can)

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I really like the time limit on this. Launching everything so close together should be quite a logistical challenge.

Just a couple of things are bugging me about this challenge. Firstly, there isn't really much of a scoring system to encourage you to do the objectives beyond LKO. Kerbals should be worth more points if they're further from the blast (based on the SOI/planet they are in/on). Secondly, you haven't put much detail into what the requirements are for all the different objectives. What do you need for a useable lifeboat/generation ship? What makes space-station or a base self sustaining?

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