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Kobol : A KSP Career Playthrough


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Rottie's Rockets is proud to present: KOBOL

Kerbin is running out of Kethane, and world leaders have chosen you to administrate the new space program. You must research new technologies and begin the process of turning the Kerbals into a multi-planet species.

Come along for the ride as I play through a new career mode save in .23.5 in a new INTERACTIVE YouTube series! We'll be using CRAFT files found on the forums, custom Rottie designs, and user submitted craft files to flesh out our tech tree and build the first self-sufficient off-world colony using the new GreenMesa Modular Kolonization System (MKS) mod.

First Episode is up. This my first youtube series so constructive feedback is appreciated.

CRAFT files are : HERE


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Well, the first constructive feedback I might offer would be to include a link to the channel :D --

Very nice video formatting, and some interesting designs. It'd be nice to her some of your thoughts or comments on the designs themselves rather than just essentially reporting on the mission.

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Ah, whoops! Thanks!!

I'll update the main post.

I just started post-processing for the 4th installment, in which I build some "low tech" Kethane equipment and a very low tech "rocket plane". So this time instead of a fast-forward build process, I'll talk more on the design and build process and some of the cool mods in the pack.

Thanks again!

PS, I also finally figured out my video capture issue, so after Episode 4 you'll be able to see the entire screen without a tiny bit cut off the top and bottom.

Also, what do you think about the length of the video's? I thought that 20-30 min long was too much, but now I'm wondering if that's not about right? So what do you all want? Do you like shorter (say around the 10-15 min mark) or do you like longer (say 30 to 60 min) ?

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Quick update from my mobile (apologies for the post and not an edit).

Episode 4 has been posted and is a longer installment at around 30 min (as compared to the 2-10 min format I was previously using).

Feedback and comments are more than welcome!

Also, I'm seriously considering reducing the number of mods used to make it much easier for people to "play along", are there any thoughts around that? Would you rather see pretty clouds and city lights? Would you rather I stick to stock parts (+Kethane), or some variation of that?

Your feedback will shape Episode 5!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having received no further feedback yet, I'm proceeding with recording of more raw footage for Episode 5. I hope to have it to post maybe Thursday and with any luck at all might be up by the weekend on the channel.

Btw what other kinds of videos would you guys like to see? Now that I'm getting better with my editing software I figured it might be time to expand my horizons just a little.

Also if anyone is interested, I host a Twitch.tv stream at twitch.tv/rottielover

I do not have a set showtime for live streams, I just do them when I have time and feel like I can provide a decent show ;)

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