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KDY - Minmus-Class Kerbal Star Destroyer

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Kerbin Drive Yards is happy to announce the newest class in kerbal star destroyers. The Minmus-class.

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This little beauty weighs in at 40 tons. part count after welding is 82. She maneuvers extremely well.

Below in the dropbox link is the craft file for the ship pictured and the hull part. very important that you install the part file in the squad structural parts folder. Without the hull in that folder the ship will not work.

Action Groups:

#5 - Floodlight

#8 - Toggle Capacitors charge

#9 - Toggle Capacitors discharge

#0 - Toggle reactor radiators

Dropbox Ship Files

mods used:

Near Future Propulsion

Kerbal Engineer Redux

Romfarar's Sunbeam laser mod

Edited by Tutumra
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That looks really cool. How far can it go and what do you use to weld the hull?

Yes i use UbioZur's welding tool. With the current engines and fuel, it would only be good in the Kerbin system. Of course I encourage you to download the part file and put whatever you like in it.

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