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(Beta) Sonic Hero's Egg Fleet Ship replica

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So I busted out my old ps2 the other day and decided to play Sonic Hero's. I made to the Egg Fleet and then it hit me, The ships are so kerbal. So I took the liberty to try and replicate one of the ships in kerbal.

Game (Circled One)


Added pick for better comparison


Kerbal Edition

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Sorry if their bad comparison pics.

I'm VERY PLEASED with the results.



Edit: BTW First replica craft i've attempted


Space: Activate Main Engines

1: Toggle Back Engines

2: Toggle Down Engines

3: Toggle Up Engines

4: Toggle Front 2 Engines (use in extremely short bursts when nose pops up or you will spin out of control and die. shifting fuel can help prevent this)

Edited by Penguinhero
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