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Kerbal Dynamics: Operation Zeebrugge Shore Bombardment

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On the 96th Anniversary of the first real attempt to disable the German naval stronghold at Bruges-Zeebrugge, the Boffs have decided it might be nice to show off our Naval prowess by staging a mock shore bombardment on the abandoned Island complex.

There's only one slight problem:

We currently have no naval prowess.


Build and launch a seagoing vessel, armed with missiles together capable of launching a bombardment of the Island complex from a stand-off range - in the particular case, from offshore.


- ALL structural parts mods valid.

- Your vessel must launch missiles from the WATER. I don't care if it flies, the operation at Zeebrugge involved no aircraft.

- NO infinite fuel, unbreakable joints or any other exploit or cheat, known or unknown, that confers an OP or physics-defying advantage.

- EXCEPT: You MAY use Gravity Hack to move your vessel from land to sea - at which point, you must turn OFF Gravhack, save and restore your game to fully restore gravitational effects.

- Your missiles must be of the unguided variety. Point and shoot ballistics, that's it.

HINT: I have a "standard" rail of dumb missiles which have a G2G ballistic range of around 4.5km and a maximum ceiling of around 6km. The rail uses Oscar B tanks topped with probe cores and tailed with small stack separators and Rockomax 48-7S motors. The following image is a slightly older design on a test mount, using sepratrons (which REALLY killed part counts!) for a ceiling of about 1200m:




No scoring system in place, I want to see pretty orange blooms on the Island. If you prefer a scoring system, please suggest one.

WARNING: this will kill part counts if you decide to deploy a boat with a cluster munition.

(Challengers' Note: I'll be posting my ship design later on once my video tasks are done for the day, that missile rail is just itching for some action...!)

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interesting... I wasn't using Romfarer (which can extend physics range dramatically, apparently), but my static launch tests showed all the missiles from point of launch all the way to impact - most of them exceeding 2.5km linear range.

How... odd.

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