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Modded and Vanilla Steam KSP

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My objective is to have 2 game folders, one vanilla always updated and one crazy modded updated when needed.

Questions are:

1) As i have a Steam client version, there is any problem in modding it?

2) In order to make 2 copy of the game is enough to copy the game folder or i need to set other things up, like paths, Steam stuff, ecc...?

3) In order to update both to a newer version, i need to update vanilla with Steam, copy the updated game (if answer 2 is yes) and remod with all the newer versions of the mods, or i can swap the two game folders, and update directly via Steam the modded one like the vanilla one (obviously i have to update also the mods later)

4) There is a limit on how much mods i can install?

5) What file/folder i need to transfer in order to carry my save file to another game folder? i copy my save folder and i'm good to go?

Thanks in advance ^^

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Even if i am a noob here i try to answer, because i have the same setting.

I just made a new installation with steam and copied the folder somewhere else two times. (one vanilla and one for mods)

After this i copied my safe files to both folders. Now i can play with my current progress.

The Mods are all installed in the GameData Folder, so its not a big issue to install a update.

I hope this helps you a little

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KSP has no DRM, So you can Copy that folder Everywhere you want, Nothing bad will happen, Just don't make the copy someplace it will get forgotten or deleted.

Infact, There is a Steam feature that gives you a button to Backup Game folders and what have you.

1) No problems, You are free to mod to your hearts content.

2) Just copy pasting/Copy dragging the folder to the desired location is enough.

3) I believe swapping the folders is the answer you're looking for.

4) The only limit is the Memory(RAM) which currently, the game being 32bit, is 3.5GB.

5) Saves are KerbalSpaceProgram/saves/[insert save name here]/Persistent.sfs OR quicksave.sfs

Edited by Killerdude8
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1.) Yes, because Steam will autodownload game updates unless you explicitly forbid it to (and even then it might sometimes "forget" that you forbade it). If a new game version installs itself while you aren't looking, and some of your installed mods are no longer compatible, you will of course have problems.

2.) Copying the folder is enough. Steam literally ships a standalone install package (it even includes the Squad launcher, though it goes unused). Just copy&paste and you're done.

3.) You should really stick to the former method, rather than trying to ask Steam to update different install directories.

4.) No, but there is a limit on how many extra parts you can have before the game crashes because it runs out of RAM. Where that limit is depends on the exact parts in question.

5.) Yes.

Edited by Streetwind
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  Keymaster89 said:

1) As i have a Steam client version, there is any problem in modding it?

None what so ever, I have Steam and mod like crazy.


2) In order to make 2 copy of the game is enough to copy the game folder or i need to set other things up, like paths, Steam stuff, ecc...?

As far as I know, you will have have to have the copy of the KSP folder elsewhere then inside steam. Then to play it have a shortcut to that specific .exe


3) In order to update both to a newer version, i need to update vanilla with Steam, copy the updated game (if answer 2 is yes) and remod with all the newer versions of the mods, or i can swap the two game folders, and update directly via Steam the modded one like the vanilla one (obviously i have to update also the mods later)

I would say you would need to copy the files across to the second save.


4) There is a limit on how much mods i can install?

Sadly KSP only runs under a 32bit engine which limits you to a maximum of 3GB of RAM. However there are many ways to work around the memory constraint depending on what kind of modding you want to do. If you plan on having 20+ mods then you will more likely then not need this lovely program - Active Texture Management - It compresses files to allow for excessive modding.


5) What file/folder i need to transfer in order to carry my save file to another game folder? i copy my save folder and i'm good to go?

Specifically the folder of your save. If for example you made a game called "Space Program" then you would go to:

Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\

Inside this folder will be the "Space Program" folder. Simply copy that folder to the second game installation under the same root directory. (Again, "Space Program" is an example, the folder will be named whatever you named your save game.)

Enjoy and Happy Modding!

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