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[0.23.5] More Adapters


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Ever since engineers at D.B. Machines saw their first adapter they wanted more.

After years of research and endless snacks they got absolutely nowhere.

These are what’s left.

Engineers were astonished due to the fact 3.75 is not twice that of 2.5, the 3.75m version of the adapters is not so clean, but our researchers have found that adding nosecones makes it more attractive. (Note: one engineer caught flirting with adapter and nosecone)

Contains 3.75m and 1.25m versions of the stock adapters.

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Spaceport Download:http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221964-more-adapters


*Made 3.75m parts actually 3.75m!

*Added 3.75m parts

*Fixed Mass Quantities

*Initial Release

Disclaimer: This is my first mod so please don't judge to harshly. Also if you find any bugs feel free to share.

Edited by dbmorpher
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The 3.75m parts are not very compatible with the SLS parts due to their weird ratio to standard stock parts. I could make a resizing of them so they fit with the adapter. Th SLS parts would fuction the same and have all the same properties but be brought up to 3.75m for compatibility.

EDIT: Changed parts to actually be 3.75

Edited by dbmorpher
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