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How do i asparagus stage?

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May be a newb question, But hey you gotta learn what you don't know.

I may be a good player, But i never actually knew how to do asparagus staging, Mind explaining to me?

Edited by Bearsh
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Let me start off by saying: asparagus staging is a godsend. It's really a marvelous thing, and you should definitely use it. Since it's already been explained pretty well here, this is the link to a very nice guide: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65892-Asparagus-Staging-an-Explanation

Edit: ninja's are sneaky.

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Scott Manley and several others have youtube videos explaining how to set up asparagus staging. Here is the

I first watched. Essentially you attach four liquid fueled boosters around your central rocket using radial decouplers (though you can also do it with six). Next you set up the fuel lines such that two of the boosters are feeding their neighbours and these "neighbours" in turn feed the central rocket. All five of these rocket engines are going to fire at launch. Thus two of the boosters will drain first, their neighbours next and lastly your central rocket stage. Then you manually adjust the staging of the radial decouplers such that the first boosters to drain are decoupled in the first stage (after launch), and their neighbours in the next. The overall effect is that you get the benefits of four boosters while your central rocket is fully fuelled at 20-30km above the surface.
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