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The story of Zerfer station and Station 12


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My two veteran mobile refueling and task completing stations we're on a mission to jool, Zerfer station acting as the refueler for the Laythe 12 Mission's lander so it can dock with the return vehicle, And Station 12 Accompanying zerfer station (The parent station to the station 12 as the station 12 is the sister station) With the return vehicle, They both we're started on the same year so they both got done on the same day, Thats why they got a parent and sister station codename. These stations we're mobile, That's how they we're able to move. So once they were doing their rendezvous burn a freak space kraken tragedy happend, Twirling them both and making all the parts undock and fly out everywhere, One of the peaces hit station 12 sending a chain reaction before the chain reaction started both stations and all kerbals aboard, Dissapeared out of nowhere, It could only be explained as space kraken.

So after that horrible tragedy... We made a station in memory of them, And launched a special probe into the heart of the sun to remember these two brave kerbals aboard and these two Brave Stations with many merit, I knew that they would have wanted us to make a new station.

Hope you enjoyed, Space kraken really happened before i could snap any pics... Darn you space kraken!!

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In memoriam... i lost a complete duna ground base to the kraken... it bit into some parts and hurled them around, but did not disconnect them... so i switched to the base one day and found everything horribly deformed and partly hovering in the air... however the brave kerbals had survived and managed to re-rig some of the torn off fuel lines of the ascension vehicle using the Kerbal Attachement System and made it safely into orbit and back home... Today only a flag reminds of the strange incident. But one day we will return!

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Thank you all for the replies, Each one remembers the 2 stations that took forever to build.

And of course all the brave kerbals who served in space, For 3-4 kerbal years... That's along time to be away from home.

Only wish that the kraken didn't have to kill both of them, And that atleast one kerbal survived...

Thanks all!

I'm going to do a few more tweaks to their memorial station then post a screenshots on this post.

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