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KeithStone Kerman's Warmongers! [Updated 05/01/14] Added Craft file!

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I've decided to keep a thread for my warmongering vessels. I love designing and building more than flying missions, but for this series I don't really feel like writing a story for them or doing much in the way of video editing due to time constraints. Tons of mods, but a focus on the Lackluster Labs parts for the time being. Comments welcome!

“BadManta Mark IV†Bomber Class

Vessel Weight: 20.401 t

Vessel Width: 12.5 meters

Vessel Length: 3 meters (4 if fully armed)


4 “Penetrator†medium-class Lazor Missiles

2 “Hulksplitter†capital ship torpedoes.

DeltaV (Vacumn): 1049

DeltaV (Atmospheric): N/A

Maximum Acceleration: 17.15 m/s^2

MonoProp (Maneuvering): 400

Maximum Crew: 2

Power Systems:

1 KR-XL Megalador Solar Array

2 ZAP-01 Radioisotope power cells


The “BadManta†was developed as a long range bomber, to be delivered outside of radar range of capital ships utilizing its twin aerospike engines to perform orbital maneuvers, and its RCS array for close range maneuvers. With a low profile and heat signature, the BadManta is able to deliver a significant payload to it's target, so long as it has an escort. It's penetrator missiles do well against other bombers or cruisers, and it's two hulksplitter torpedoes can tear battleships in half.

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“Hammerhead Mk III†Light Carrier Class

Vessel Weight: 414.865 t

Vessel Width: 18.5 Meters

Vessel Length: 36 Meters



DeltaV (Vacumn): 9031 (7159 with 80 tons of payload)

DeltaV (Atmospheric): N/A

Maximul Acceleration: 4.266 m/s^2

MonoProp (Maneuvering): N/A

Maximum Crew: 102

Power Systems:

UNSFE-400 Nuclear Reactor


4 Triple-length 4x2 Cargo Bays


The Hammerhead is a tactical carrier. What it lacks in modern power and thrust systems it makes up for in versatility. Its three nuclear drives, smaller size, and lighter weight than modern carriers gives it the advantage of speed an maneuverability that larger carriers cannot match. It lacks any defense systems of it's own, relying solely on it's fighters and bombers for defense. If left unescorted, the Hammerhead is an easy target for cruisers and frigates, but it's speed allows it to make haste against batteships, allowing the Hammerhead to scout out fleet locations or soft targets with relative safety.

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“Kakapo Mk II†Fighter Class

Vessel Weight: 13.396 (Fully Loaded)

Vessel Width: 4.2 Meters

Vessel Length: 7 Meters


4 Tachyon Dispersement Rifles

4 “Hunter†IFF missiles

DeltaV (Vacumn): 772

DeltaV (Atmospheric): N/A

MonoProp (Maneuvering): 600

Maximum Crew: 1

Power Systems:

2 ZAP-01 Radioisotope generators


The Kakapo is one of the most unique of the first generation starfighters, and due to it's unmatched fighting style it still sees quite a bit of service today. It's relatively low deltaV margins are use primarily as an afterburner, as it is one of the few fighters that can rely on it's primary engine to engage in and remove itself from combat. More unique, however, are the four forward-facing solid rocket boosters on the front of the craft. Often used in pairs, these four rockets allow the Kakapo access to maneuvers that other fighters simply cannot perform. Those who have engaged them often return screaming about how they could never land a solid hit on one. Those that pilot them often return screaming about how insane one has to be to keep from getting hit.

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I got to play with The D12 Aerotech Pack some today, and the first thing I HAD to play with were the rotor wings. I gotta say, these are prety dope! If you download the D12 pack and want to play with this ship, the craft file is HERE. Control groups: 1 = toggle jets, 2 = deploy rotors, 3 = toggle rotors, 0 = hover toggle. Capable of taking off and landing by either using the helicopter rotor OR the jet engines. Make use of SAS, but dont rely on it as the weight can shift slightly after it drops below half-tank, but nothing too harsh. Unfortunately the screenshots only catch the rotor right where it is instead of the full, beautiful blur of it spinning.

Craft requires B9 and the D12 expansion (LLL nosecone sold separately)

Arkopter Spy Drone

Vessel Weight: 8.139 t

Vessel Width: 8 Meters (10 meters with rotors deployed)

Vessel Length: 9.8 Meters

Armament: Varies

DeltaV (Vacumn): N/A

DeltaV (Atmospheric): 37k+

MonoProp (Maneuvering): N/A

Maximum Crew: 0

Power Systems: Various propulsion system alternators

Description: The Arkopter is a next-generation spy drone. Capable of extended atmospheric flight, the Arkopter's primary advantage is it's dual-system wings which can deploy to helicopter rotors, allowing it incredible hovering and maneuverability on the fly. Room is left open on the underside for the placement of weapons or spy systems as called for by it's current mission.

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