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VTOL tutorial + example video


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How to build a VTOL

Step 1: Build a normal aircraft

Just build a normal aircraft, like you would in KSP. I recommend making it small!

Step 2: Stability

Add at least 1 SAS unit and 1 RCS tank. Add some Linear (NOT THE THRUSTER BLOCKS) to the underside (maybe also the topside) of the nose and do the same at the back. (I recommend using 2 on each side)

Step 3: Adding vertical engines

Click on the Center of Mass tool (If not active already), to see where the Center of mass is. Now place Cubic octagonal struts on the wings exactly on the same line as the center of mass. So you should be able to draw a straight line through both engines and the Center of mass. I recommend using the normal jet engines for this part, because they're lighter and more efficient on low altitudes.

Step 4: Testing

Test your aircraft and see if it works!

Example video:

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