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The Venturer Program: Tour of the planets


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And as if none of that was bad enough...

Tour of the Planets is having a mid-season break. That's right, now you're all going to have to wait to find out what happens :confused:

Here's the reason; I sort of let the chapters catch up with me, so I've essentially run out of chapters. I'll be working on that :P

I expect it'll be a week at most.

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Happy 4th of July!

Assuming that you are British, I'm going to explain what the 4th of July holiday is. In shortest form, it's like Guy Fawkes day. The 4th of July is when the Americans launch a bunch of SRB's (fireworks, flares) into the air to watch stuff blow up. It's also supposed to represent a historical something-or-other, like a battle the U.S. lost but our national anthem pretends is a victory, or something revolutionary. Ah, EXPLOSIONS!

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  VelocityPolaris said:
Happy 4th of July!

Assuming that you are British, I'm going to explain what the 4th of July holiday is. In shortest form, it's like Guy Fawkes day. The 4th of July is when the Americans launch a bunch of SRB's (fireworks, flares) into the air to watch stuff blow up. It's also supposed to represent a historical something-or-other, like a battle the U.S. lost but our national anthem pretends is a victory, or something revolutionary. Ah, EXPLOSIONS!

I hope you guys had a good day over there, then. I sort of already had the gist of 4th July, but thanks anyway :)

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  Schmonzo said:
Isn't 4th of july about celebrating a bunch of white male slave owners not wanting to pay taxes anymore? ;P


Schmonzo, I'm not mad, I'm just being careful, so don't worry :)

Alright, I'm actually talking to everyone when I say this (I felt I needed to emphasise that :P); before things spiral out of control, can we please avoid starting a flame war or political discussion about this? I don't really know anything about 4th July other than what's been said, so I can't really judge what's what. If my thread gets locked as a result of problematic discussion, there would be no continuation of my story :sealed:

To avoid thread derailment, here's a picture from a little later on in the story:


I'm sure a few of you folks will more than welcome the appearance of this particular ship in the story :)

Again, I'm just being careful so as to not wind up with a locked thread. I'm sorry if I've done anything to annoy anybody :(

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  Schmonzo said:
my post is deleted buddy, enjoy your weekend!

Thanks. I appreciate it being a joke, but others may not have done so and it could have derailed very quickly. Just had to be careful, that's all.

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Bill: “Here we go!â€Â

Jeb: “Alright, thanks. Matton, can you hear me?!â€Â

Matton: “Huh… argh!â€Â

Jeb: “Come on, stay with it, buddy, we’re heading back into orbit now.â€Â

Matton: “I… I… 53 seconds exposure to… *cough cough* exposure to…â€Â

Jeb: “I know, I know, 53 seconds on Duna is fatal.â€Â

Matton: “How long… *cough cough* was… agh!â€Â

Jeb: “49 seconds.â€Â

Matton: “Damn it.â€Â

Jeb: “You’re gonna be alright, Matton, just hold on.â€Â



Bill: “Jeb, do you want to take over flying and I’ll look after him?â€Â

Jeb: “That’s probably best.â€Â

Bill: “Ok then.â€Â



Jeb: “Guys, we’re leaving the atmosphere. Duna Spacedock, this is Jebediah Kerman, do you read us?â€Â

Duna Spacedock: “-eb? I ca---rdly hear you---at’s up?â€Â

Jeb: “Say again, I didn’t catch that, over.â€Â

Duna Spacedock: “Wha------tuatio----[sIGNAL LOSS, COMMS SYSTEM DAMAGED]â€Â

Jeb: “Frak!â€Â


Jeb: “Bill, we’re in orbit.â€Â

Bill: “Ok, just get us to the station quick, I don’t like the way he’s in.â€Â

Jeb: “I’m going as fast as I can!â€Â


Jeb: “Hold on, inclination change coming up now!â€Â



Jeb: “Alright, we aren’t getting to the station on this orbit, but the next one we’ll be there.â€Â

Bill: “Good.â€Â

Matton: “Ugh….â€Â

Bill: “Just hang tight, we’ll be on the station soon.â€Â



1 orbit later…


Jeb: “Duna Spacedock do you read?â€Â

Matt: “Jeb? I can hea---u better now. We’re tracking you.â€Â

Jeb: “Get your doctor ready now, Matton’s in a bad way.â€Â

Matt: “What?! Jerrick, get to the docking hub, now! Jeb, what happened?â€Â

Jeb: “Dust storm. Nasty one, too. He fell over and shattered his visor, plus I think he’s broken his arm or something.â€Â

Matt: “Oh crap. Jerrick, you get that?â€Â

Jerrick: “Yeah, I got it.â€Â



Jeb: “Almost there… done, we’re docked!â€Â

Matt: “Pressure’s equalised, let’s do this.â€Â

Jerrick: “Let me at him, now!â€Â

Bill: “Here, here!â€Â

Jerrick: “Alright, let’s get him out of this capsule.â€Â

Jeb: “Is he gonna be alright?â€Â

Jerrick: “Hard to say, this is the first case of this I’ve seen in the field. I’ll get back to you with more information later on.â€Â

Jeb: “Ok…â€Â

Bill: “I don’t even know what just happened.â€Â

Matt: “Are you alright, Jeb?â€Â

Jeb: “I… I promised the crew on Enterprise that nothing else like this would happen, and look at this. Kod, this is going to be tough.â€Â

Matt: “I'm sure you did everything you could.â€Â

Jeb: “Don’t say that, he isn’t dead.â€Â

Matt: “I know, but you get my meaning.â€Â

Jeb: “Yeah, I know what you mean.â€Â

Franklin: “Jeb, I’m sorry about this.â€Â

Jeb: “Don’t be, Franklin. It’s not like Duna decided to get angry at us for rescuing you, so…â€Â

Franklin: “I know, but still… I know what that feels like. My suit had a puncture when I regained consciousness down there. I couldn’t tell at first, it was so small, but then my suit started firing the warnings into my ears just as I was approaching the base. It may not have been as bad a breach as with his suit, but I tell you, it’s scary. He’s lucky to be alive.â€Â

Jeb: “Yeah…â€Â

Bill: “You sure you’re going to be ok, buddy?â€Â

Jeb: “I’ll be fine. I just don’t want this to go pear-shaped any more than it already has.â€Â

A few days later…

Captain’s log, entry 17: Well, Matton’s alright now. Jerrick put him under some heavy anaesthesia and started doing whatever needed to be done. His left arm is broken and a significant number of blood vessels around his body burst, especially in his eyes. He woke up at one point asking why everything was red. We’re also worried about frostbite; he seems to have developed a patch on his forehead. And then there’s the fact that he started breathing in nearly pure carbon dioxide from Duna’s atmosphere. Kod, this is a damn mess, but at least he’s alive.

Unfortunately, we can’t take him back to Enterprise. Jerrick is keeping a very close eye on him and he can’t be transported for fear of more damage. He’s stuck on the station. Control’s been informed, but they’ve already got a plan; the Libra.


It’s heading this way to collect Franklin, anyway, plus deliver supplies to the station. I guess it’s just gonna be carrying one extra passenger now.


Bill and I have just left the station and are en route back to Enterprise. I’ve got to brace myself for whatever reaction we’ll face.


A few hours later…


Bob: “Hey guys, welcome back. The docking port’s ready for you.â€Â

Jeb: “Alright thanks. Listen, get everyone to the table in the hab, would you?â€Â

Bob: “Err, ok… wait, is this about Matton?â€Â

Jeb: “Yeah. You haven’t told anyone else yet, have you?â€Â

Bob: “No, just like you wanted.â€Â

Bill: “You sure you can do this, Jeb?â€Â

Jeb: “Well, if I can’t, then I’ll have you to back me up, at least.â€Â

Bill: “You bet, buddy.â€Â


Jeb: “Docking successful. Ok, let’s do this.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “Welcome back to the ship. Just so you know, Commander Bob has done an excellent job at maintaining order while you were gone.â€Â

Jeb: “Oh really? Good job, Bob.â€Â

Bob: “Thanks.â€Â

Bill: “Good to see you again.â€Â

Bob: “Likewise.â€Â

In the hab…

Jim: “Hey, welcome back, folks! Now, if you don’t mind, what the hell is this about?â€Â

Lengas: “Hey, where’s Matton?â€Â

Jeb: “Bob, you could have told Lengas.â€Â

Bob: “Sorry, you said no-one should be told...â€Â

Lengas: “Don’t tell me…â€Â

Jeb: “No, it’s not like that. Listen up folks, because this is… well, it’s tough. While we were on the surface, a particularly rough storm hit us. Matton was quite far out from the lander and while he was heading back… he got injured, badly. The storm knocked him off his feet and damaged his helmet. He was exposed to the atmosphere for nearly a whole minute before getting into the lander. He’s alive but stuck on the station."

Cal: “Good Kod.â€Â

Ed: “Really?!â€Â

Lengas: “No…â€Â

Jeb: “I… I’m sorry folks. I know I promised that nothing else would happen to us on this mission.â€Â

Jim: “So, he is alive?â€Â

Jeb: “Yes, thankfully. I should say that he has got a broken arm, frostbite, and several burst blood vessels, but he is stable. Unfortunately, he will not be able to join us until he’s better.â€Â

Lengas: “So, that means never, then?â€Â

Jeb: “What? I didn’t say that.â€Â

Lengas: “Damn it, Jeb, first the only other engineer on the ship dies, and now the only other geologist on the ship is critically incapacitated and stuck on the Duna Spacedock! I mean, what the frak is going on?! Is it just…. Agh! I’m out of here!â€Â

Jeb: “Where are you going?â€Â

Lengas: “The Bridge… I need to be alone, and don’t even think about following me!â€Â

Lengas floats out of the hab…

Jeb: “…â€Â

Jim: “Umm…â€Â

Cal: “Dear Kod, Lengas…â€Â

Jeb: “I guess it makes sense. He’s the chief engineer and geologist, and he’s lost both under his wing. Frak…â€Â

Cal: “Look, there’s no way any of us could have predicted this, Captain, so don’t worry.â€Â

Ed: “Yeah, we understand. These things happen. Space is a dangerous place, we all know that.â€Â

Mac: “If it helps, I could head over to the station to help their medical officer, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “That won’t be necessary, Mac. I heard you made progress with Buzz, by the way.â€Â

Mac: “Well, it was more Ed’s doing, but yeah, Buzz has reached a stable point. He isn’t quite Buzz, but he’s closer than he was a week ago.â€Â

Jeb: “Well, at least there’s some good news amongst all this. Alright, are there any questions? I want to prepare for the Ike transfer.â€Â

Silence, save for the humming of the ship.

Jeb: “No? Ok, you’re free to go. Bill, let’s get out of these suits.â€Â

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Poor Matton! I'm sure Jerrick is getting the leeches ready for the patient.

Jerrick: Looks like we'll have to bleed you. Better hold still and eat this leech.

Matton: I told you, I'm fine! It's only a flesh wound!

Jerrick: I'm the doctor around here, and I say we need to bleed you. We can take the leeches off in an hour.

Matton: owww... you're ahhh - no ... yeowwww... doctor.

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Several hours later…

ANSI/Stanley: “We are nearing the Ike transfer point, Captain.â€Â

Jeb: “Thanks, Stanley.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “My pleasure.â€Â


Jeb: “I don’t get it, Bill. Why is this stuff happening?â€Â

Bill: “Come on now, it wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t Matton’s fault, either.â€Â

Jeb: “He could have sheltered behind that boulder and I told him to get over to the lander instead…â€Â

Bill: “Jeb, the lander was starting to tip over, you made the right call. He’s still alive, isn’t he?â€Â

Jeb: “…Yes.â€Â

Bill: “Exactly. He’ll be fine, so don’t worry. If I were you, I’d be more concerned about Lengas. His reaction earlier was a bit, erm….â€Â

Jeb: “I am worried about him, don’t think I’m not. We’ll get him calmed down again, no doubt.â€Â

Bill: “Aye.â€Â


Bill: “Time to go, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “On it. Sit tight, folks, we’re commencing the burn.â€Â


Bill: “Trajectory is nominal.â€Â

Jeb: “Bob, how are we looking?â€Â

Bob: “Uh, let me just check… fuel and hull are nominal, and the systems are fine. Damn it, where’s Lengas?â€Â

Jeb: “He’s cooling off in one of the greenhouses, so you’re going to have to manage his stuff while he’s up there.â€Â

Bob: “You do know I’m not an engineer, right?â€Â

Jeb: “Yes, but out of everyone who isn’t Lengas, you’re next best.â€Â

Bob: “Right…â€Â

Bill: “That’s it, cut the throttle.â€Â


Jeb: “Done. For the record, Bill, I can read the trajectory displays, so you don’t have to call out every time we reach a manoeuvre node or whatever.â€Â

Bill: “Err, sorry? That’s sort of my job here, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “I know it is, but I’m just saying, you know?â€Â

Bill: “Ok then…â€Â

A few hours later…


ANSI/Stanley: “Alert: Enterprise is still on course to collide with Ike. Immediate trajectory changes required.â€Â

Jeb: “Ok, I’ll get on it now. Guys, I’m altering the trajectory, so hold on to something.â€Â

Cal: “Oh crap, nooooOOOAOAAA!â€Â

Jim: “AHHH!â€Â

Cal: “JEEEEB!â€Â

Jeb: “Sorry!â€Â

Lengas: “Geez, I nearly smashed one of the panes in the greenhouses, then!â€Â

Ed: “Whoa crap, are they ok?â€Â

Lengas: “Yeah, they’re all good, which is odd when you consider how this mission has been picking off us geologists and engineers.â€Â

Ed: “Uh…huh…â€Â

Jeb: “Nearly done now… there, you’re all free to go.â€Â


Cal: “Thank you.â€Â

Jim: “Yeah, thanks for that, Captain.â€Â

Jeb: “Sorry.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “Enterprise is no longer on a collision course with Ike, Captain, well done.â€Â

Jeb: “No need to applaud my effort, Stanley, I’m just doing my job.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “Of course you are, Jeb, but still, had you not acted, we would surely have plummeted to our doom.â€Â

Jeb: “Uh, yeah, I guess…â€Â

Not long later…


Jeb: “Alright, because the last burn didn’t go down so well, this is your warning; buckle up. Now.â€Â

Bob: “A tad serious.â€Â

Jeb: “T’is a serious business, Bob.â€Â

Bob: “Yeah, it is. Lengas, get over here, would you?â€Â

Lengas: “Fine, give me a minute.â€Â

Jeb: “You’ve got 30 seconds.â€Â

Lengas: “Ugh…â€Â

Jeb: “Oh come on, I let you skip over the last two burns so you could collect your thoughts. We need you on the bridge keeping an eye on your station.â€Â

Lengas: “I know, I know, I’m coming.â€Â

Jeb: “Thank you.â€Â

Lengas: “Whatever.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “20 seconds to burn.â€Â

Bob: “Thanks, Lengas. I can’t do your job anywhere near as well as you can.â€Â

Lengas: “Might want to start learning, then. I’ll help you out.â€Â

Bob: “Uh, I’ve got my own things to monitor.â€Â

Lengas: “I know, but you can listen in and check my console too, surely?â€Â

Bob: “I’ll give it a try.â€Â

Lengas: “Good.â€Â

Bob: “Just so long as I’m not training to be your replacement, because no-one’s being replaced.â€Â

Lengas: “No, of course not.â€Â

Jeb: “Commencing burn now.â€Â


A minute later…


Bill: “Excellent, we have orbit around Ike.â€Â

Jeb: “This is your next stop, Bob.â€Â

Bob: “It would appear so. Cal, Mac, you guys are with me. Get your stuff and head to Lander Beta.â€Â

Mac: “Wait, I can’t go down there, I’ve got to look after Buzz!â€Â

Jeb: “You said it yourself, Mac; Buzz is doing fine. Ed will still be here, won’t he?â€Â

Dean: “I’ll bet it’s because he doesn’t trust me being alone with Buzz.â€Â

Mac: “Oh not this again…â€Â

Jeb: “Alright, before this escalates, just stop. Dean, just go somewhere else, would you? I don’t want another fight. Mac, you don’t still have a problem with him, do you?â€Â

Mac: “No, not at all. It’s just that I’m concerned for Buzz; anything could tip him back into ruin.â€Â

Jeb: “So you’re implying that Dean could be problematic, huh?â€Â

Mac: “I… oh for Kod’s sake, I’m just going to the lander.â€Â

There’s some silence as Mac heads off and Cal joins the group on the bridge.

Cal: “Uh, what was that all about? I saw Dean looking a bit peeved off, too.â€Â

Jeb: “Nothing, Cal.â€Â

Cal: “Are you sure? Because I’m gonna have to put up with this if there’s a problem and I’ll have no reprise other than switching my radio off.â€Â

Jeb: “Well, if there are problems, just contact me. I trust you to do the sensible thing, Cal. Now, you’d best head to the lander with Bob.â€Â

Cal: “Alright, but if crap hits the fan, I’m not gonna be happy.â€Â

Jeb: “You and me both, buddy.â€Â


Half an orbit later…


Bob: “Jeb, we’re away. See you later.â€Â

Jeb: “Copy that, Bob. Don’t have too much fun without me.â€Â

Bob: “No promises on that one. Ok, let’s do this, guys.â€Â

Cal: “It’s been a while since I’ve been off the ship. This’ll be nice.â€Â

Mac: “I think this is the first time any of us have been off Enterprise in months… years even, with this new timekeeping thing.â€Â

Cal: “My last mission was Gilly. Bob, weren’t you Minmus?â€Â

Bob: “Aye, that I was. Mac… Kod, you were Mun!â€Â

Mac: “I know, the first landing of the Grand Tour and I haven’t been off the ship since. I’m looking forward to the change of scenery.â€Â

Bob: “I'll bet you are. Engine activated, watch out.â€Â




Bob: “So, that’s that. We’re heading to some highland area. Should be quite interesting.â€Â

Cal: “Landing legs are fully deployed. Anyway, yeah, Ike does have some interesting terrain, I believe.â€Â

Mac: “It’s a lot like Mun from what I can tell.â€Â

Cal: “Much smaller, though. We’ll be enjoying some low gravity.â€Â

Mac: “Cool.â€Â



Bob: “We’re nearly there, guys. Actually…â€Â


Bob: “That’s it, touchdown. Shutting down the engine and extending the ladder.â€Â

Cal: “Yay.â€Â

Mac: “Thank Kod for that.â€Â

Bob: “What, you don’t trust my flying ability?â€Â

Mac: “You aren’t a pilot.â€Â

Bob: “No, but I got us here safely, didn’t I?â€Â

Mac: “True. I still don’t understand why they didn’t have at least one designated pilot per landing, like Jim or Buzz, though.â€Â

Bob: “Hmm, now that you mention it…â€Â

Cal: “Guys, I’d quite like to go outside, you know?â€Â

Bob: “Oh right, yeah. Suit up, folks, we’ve got an Ike to explore.â€Â


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Bob: “Well, here goes nothing.â€Â


Bob: “Hmm.â€Â

Cal: “What is it?â€Â

Bob: “Not too much gravity, here.â€Â

Cal: “Yeah, we know that already.â€Â

Bob: “Sort of deluded into thinking that when you see Ike from Duna. This huge lump of rock hanging there, and then... this.â€Â

Mac: “Yeah, I see what you mean.â€Â

Bob: “Well, time's wasting, so let's plant this flag and do science, eh?â€Â

Cal: “Sounds good.â€Â



Bob: “Kod...â€Â

Cal: “What?â€Â

Bob: “That view.â€Â

Cal: “I'll be out in a minute. Mac, are you going out or what?â€Â

Mac: “Yeah, I'm leaving now. Don't get too impatient, would you?â€Â

Cal: “I'm not being impatient, just... keen.â€Â

Mac: “Whatever, man.â€Â


Mac: “Whoa, I just kicked dust everywhere.â€Â

Bob: “Yeah, watch yourselves out here.â€Â

Cal: “I think it's neat when dust goes flying everywhere.â€Â

Bob: “I'd rather it didn't, Cal.â€Â

Cal: “Hey, I won't be sabotaging anything with the stuff, so don't worry.â€Â

Bob: “I know, but I'm just saying.â€Â

Cal: “Of course. Anyway, I'll be out there in a second.â€Â

Bob: “Righty then.â€Â

Mac: “Kod, the view is amazing!â€Â

Bob: “I told you so.â€Â


Cal: “Let's have a look then... wow. Oh wow. That's awesome.â€Â

Bob: “It's probably one of the only redeeming features of Ike, too, I'd say. Right, discussion time.â€Â

Mac: “Right.â€Â


Bob: “Ok, err... science, basically. Mac, grab some samples. Cal, if you want to set up the equipment, and I'll get on the core drill.â€Â

Mac: “Alright then, boss.â€Â

Several hours later...


Cal: “Ok, I'm done with the gravimeter.â€Â

Bob: “I'm finished with the drill. Mac?â€Â

Mac: “I'm done.â€Â

Bob: “Alright, now we've got another objective. We aren't just here for science, but to also pick out some potential future base sites. We need something good. Thoughts?â€Â

Mac: “Hmm... I did see a pretty good spot over this way when I was collecting some dust earlier. Want me to go check it out?â€Â

Bob: “If you would. Cal, do you think you could try and pick out a site, too?â€Â

Cal: “I'll certainly look. What about you? What are you gonna do?â€Â

Bob: “I'm out of flags, Cal. Can't pick out any more sites.â€Â

Cal: “Ah, right.â€Â



Mac: “Nearly there.â€Â

Bob: “Copy that.â€Â


Mac: “That view never gets old.â€Â



Mac: “Alright, this is it. Bob, do you want to come and check it out?â€Â

Bob: “Yeah, sure.â€Â




Bob: “Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all.â€Â


Bob: “Yeah, I think this is pretty decent. Mark it down as a potential site, then.â€Â

Mac: “On it.â€Â



Mac: “There we go, a potential future base site.â€Â

Bob: “Cool. Cal, where are you?â€Â

Cal: “Flying over you guys.â€Â



Bob: “Ok then.â€Â

Cal: “I'm heading over to this hill in front of me.â€Â



Cal: “Hmm, I think this is a good base site.â€Â


Bob: “Ok, I'll come and have a look.â€Â

Cal: “Just watch yourself with that hill.â€Â

Bob: “I know.â€Â



Bob: “Well, I'll be. Mac, this site is better than yours.â€Â

Mac: “That makes me sad.â€Â

Bob: “Sorry.â€Â

Mac: “I may never forgive you, now.â€Â

Bob: “Oh dear.â€Â

Cal: “If it's any consolation, I think your site is pretty nice, Mac.â€Â

Mac: “At least someone appreciates it, aside from myself, of course.â€Â

Bob: “Oh, I appreciate your site, Mac, it's a good place. This one over here though is...â€Â

Mac: “Hey, relax, I was only joking.â€Â

Bob: “I did catch onto that, you know.â€Â

Mac: “Hah, sure you did.â€Â

Bob: “No, really.â€Â

Mac: “Ok then, Bob.â€Â


Cal: “I'll plant the flag then, shall I?â€Â

Bob: “By all means.â€Â


Cal: “There we go.â€Â

Bob: “Excellent. Ok folks, I think it's time to go back into orbit.â€Â

Cal: “That's a shame.â€Â

Bob: “Oh, you can stick around here if you want, but it'll be a while before anyone realises you're still here after we take off.â€Â

Cal: “I'd just jetpack into orbit.â€Â

Bob: “...You can do that?â€Â

Cal: “It's not hard, especially considering this is Ike. I'd just fly to Enterprise without you.â€Â

Bob: “Huh. Now that's something I'm surprised Jeb hasn't tried.â€Â

Mac: “I know, right?â€Â




Bob: “We all set, guys?â€Â

Mac: “I'm ready whenever you are.â€Â

Cal: “Same here.â€Â

Bob: “Ok then. So long, Ike.â€Â


Mac: “I wonder how this Matton situation's going.â€Â

Cal: “I've been thinking about that, too. Poor Matton.â€Â

Bob: “Hey, hey, hey, he's alive and in good hands, right? Let's not get too worried by the whole thing.â€Â

Cal: “Honestly, I'm more concerned for Lengas. His reaction was troubling, to say the least.â€Â

Bob: “I've no doubt that Lengas will dust himself off soon. He's never really troubled by anything for too long. Hatch sealed.â€Â

Cal: “That may be, but still...â€Â

Mac: “I wonder how Buzz is, too. I swear, if Dean's done anything to screw things up, I'll--â€Â

Bob: “Take it easy, Mac, I'm sure that's ok, too.â€Â

Mac: “You're probably right, but I really don't like those 2 being left alone.â€Â

Bob: “They're just friends, Mac.â€Â

Mac: “Yes, I know, and that's what makes the whole thing difficult.â€Â

Bob: “Hmm. Ok, engine is online. Let's go.â€Â



Bob: “Ascent is looking nominal.â€Â


Bob: “And cutoff. Huh, we're passing close to Enterprise at apoapsis.â€Â

Cal: “Probably by the design of the mission parameters, but it could just be a coincidence, I guess.â€Â

Mac: “No solid encounter makes me think coincidence.â€Â

Cal: “That's true.â€Â

Bob: “Whatever it is, we won't be back at the ship for at least another orbit yet, so let's chill out for a bit.â€Â





Half an orbit later...


Bob: “There she is. Enterprise, do you copy?â€Â

Bill: “I copy, Bob. Your trajectory needs refining.â€Â

Bob: “Eh, I'll get on that when I need to.â€Â

Bill: “Which is ASAP, by the way.â€Â

Bob: “I figured as much. Ok, changing course now.â€Â

Bill: “That's better, just slow down as and when you need to.â€Â


Bob: “Right, let's dock this thing and get some food, because I'm starving.â€Â

Cal: “Don't let that get in the way of piloting this thing safely.â€Â

Bob: “Hey, I landed us on Ike, I can dock a ship.â€Â

Cal: “Did you do the landing on an empty stomach?â€Â

Bob: “... I was moderately peckish.â€Â

Mac: “...â€Â

Cal: “Just dock, then.â€Â

Bob: “Ok, not that I needed your approval...â€Â


Bob: “There, see? Safe and sound.â€Â

Mac: “Well, I for one never doubted you, unlike our friend here.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “Docking successful. Please offload all samples and data.â€Â

Cal: “Who's to say I was doubting him? I was only saying that distractions cause problems when driving cars or flying very expensive spacecraft.â€Â

Bob: “Despite my kerbonaut training, Cal?â€Â

Cal: “Hell, I bet even Jeb screwed up sometimes.â€Â

Bob: “While I can confirm that he did mess up a couple of early Mun landings, it's near blasphemy to speak about him in such a manner.â€Â

Jeb: “Speak about who in such a manner?â€Â

Bob: “Err... Kod, that's who.â€Â

Jeb: “Uh huh... anyway, welcome back, guys. Just so you know, we'll be commencing the transfer burn back to Duna orbit in about 15 minutes, so you'd better get all your samples stowed now.â€Â

Bob: “Right, you heard the man, let's move this stuff into the hab.â€Â


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Matt: “... but we think he's going to be quite alright. It may take a few weeks before he's suitably healthy, but he should recover.â€Â


Bill: “Well that's probably the best news we've heard in a while.â€Â

Jeb: “Yes yes, but what about Matton? How's our other geologist doing?â€Â

Matt: “Well, that's a somewhat different story. He's developed frostbite on his forehead and left cheek, and his left eye is still incredibly bloodshot. His right leg suffered multiple fractures when he got knocked down; honestly, I don't know how he even made it back to the lander with that sort of injury. Anyway, we've got him hooked up to a morphine drip should he decide he needs the stuff, plus a whole host of other medicines are sitting waiting. Sorry to say that I don't think he'll be rejoining you guys, and I think he knows it.â€Â

Jeb: “That's disappointing, but at least he's alive.â€Â

Matt: “Hmm, yes. The guy stranded on Duna for years on end is recovering well, but the guy down there for an hour is in bad shape. What sort of messed up logic is that?â€Â

Jeb: “And now my chief engineer and geologist is going to frakking kill me over this. If I get spaced, come pick me up, alright?â€Â

Bill: “I don't think Lengas will go quite that far, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “I was kidding, but I've never seen Lengas quite so miserable as he's been these last few days, so it's entirely possible that I could wind up being thrown out of one of the hatches with just a suit and a fire extinguisher.â€Â

Matt: “Well if it does happen, I'm sure you can find a way back onto your own ship. If it comes to it, we will help, but I don't think we'll need to, or actually want to; two patients are enough for us over here.â€Â

Jeb: “What a pleasant response, Matt. I'd best end this chat, we've got a burn coming up in... Stanley, when's the burn?â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “T-minus 3 minutes and 17 seconds to TDI, Captain.â€Â

Jeb: “Yeah, what Stanley said.â€Â

Matt: “No problem, I've got stuff to tend to here, too. If anything happens, I'll let you know. Matt out.â€Â


Bill: “You know, I think you ought to cut Lengas a little slack, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “Damn Bill, I already said I was joking. I know he's in a rough spot at the moment, but I've got to try and lighten the mood a little bit.â€Â

Bill: “Even if it's just you and me talking to the guys on the station over there?â€Â

Jeb: “Look, we've been out here for years, and it's starting to show, more so in some than in others. We've still got years to go before we even head home. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not end up with a war being waged on board.â€Â

Bill: “I can understand that, Jeb, but messing with a guy who's not feeling right, even if he's not around to be affected--â€Â

Jeb: “Ok, I get it, already. Geez, maybe you should take a break once we're done with this burn.â€Â

Bill: “You know what? I think I will.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “T-minus 1 minute to burn. Please try not to bicker until we're safely en route to Duna orbit.â€Â

Bill: “Err...â€Â

Jeb: “I'm sorry, but what did you just say, Stanley?â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “Don't bicker. I detect aggravation in your voice, Captain, and I understand, but you need to focus on the burn in order to complete the objectives for Ike.â€Â

Jeb: “Did you not think I was aware that I needed to complete the burn, Stanley?â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “I did not mean to insinuate otherwise; I merely wish for the mission to proceed smoothly and for the crew to remain safe.â€Â

Bill: “Jeb, stop trying to argue with the frakking AI and let's get this burn over with. You can yell at each other all you want afterwards.â€Â

Jeb: “I know about the frakking burn, damn it!â€Â

Bill: “...â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “T-minus 30 seconds to burn.â€Â

Bill: “I think maybe you need to a break too, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “...â€Â

Bob: “For the record, I heard all of that.â€Â

Lengas: “Me too, Jeb.â€Â

Jeb: “...â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “T-minus 20 seconds to burn.â€Â

Jeb: “We'll talk later, Lengas.â€Â

Lengas: “Sure we will...â€Â

Bob: “... Just so you know, I don't really have any problems with anyone, at the moment.â€Â

Jeb: “Well, good for you.â€Â

Bob: “...â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “T-minus 10 seconds to burn.â€Â

Jeb: “Is everyone set back there?â€Â

Mac: “Yeah, we're all good.â€Â

Jim: “Hab's ready, Captain.â€Â

Jeb: “Ok then.â€Â


Bill: “Keep going for another 20 seconds and we'll be done.â€Â

Jeb: “Right.â€Â

Bob: “Systems are fine.â€Â


Bill:†Alright, that's it.â€Â

Jeb: “Got it. You can go and have your break now.â€Â

Bill: “And you can have yours.â€Â


A few hours later...

Captain's log, entry 18: Damn it, what the hell happened earlier? It went from me trying to lighten the mood with a little joke and the whole thing went south faster than I could get out of the capsule on Mun the first time! I understand Bill's concern for Lengas, because it's one that I'm sharing with him and pretty much the rest of the crew, but we need a bit of relief sometimes. I'll admit, I did try to yell at Stanley, but that was not something I was expecting from our resident AI. Back chat? I think we could have a problem if it (he?) continues down that road.

Anyway, we're about a third of the way back to Duna orbit now and no-one's tried to rip anyone else's throat out yet. I've still got to talk to Lengas. Maybe I'll do that once we're back in Duna orbit.

I'm tired. Need to sleep now.


Meanwhile, around Kerbin...


Wehrke: “Ned, how are the engines?â€Â

Nedfurt: “Engines primed and ready. I still can't believe we're taking this ship out to Duna when it's missing two of the main solar panels.â€Â

Wehrke: “Well, we still have the other two plus the backup panels and RTGs, so I don't understand why you're concerned. Enford?â€Â

Enford: “Sensors are green across the board.â€Â

Wehrke: “Good. Transfer is plotted, now we just have to wait.â€Â

Half an orbit later...

Wehrke: “Alright guys, here we go. To Duna!â€Â


Nedfurt: “Engines are A-OK. Fuel nominal.â€Â

Wehrke: “We're on course. Just a few more minutes and we'll have our Duna encounter.â€Â

Enford: “I've always wanted to see Duna, and going there in the Libra? Some sort of cliché, now.â€Â

Wehrke: “Eh?â€Â

Enford: “The amount of times a ship named Libra has been to Duna.â€Â

Wehrke: “Ah, yes, of course.â€Â

Nedfurt: “You know, for some reason, I feel like I've been there before, but I haven't. Then again, I feel like that for the other planets, too, especially Jool... not a clue why.â€Â

Wehrke: “Huh, that is strange.â€Â

A few minutes later...


Wehrke: “Excellent, we're en route. I think we can chill for a couple of months, now.â€Â


A few hours later, around Duna...



Bill: “That's done it, we're in our parking orbit.â€Â

Jeb: “Great. Now, if you'll excuse me...â€Â

Bill: “By all means.â€Â



Cal: “Assuming direct control.â€Â

Jim: “... That sounded awfully sinister.â€Â

Cal: “I know, right?â€Â

Jim: “Why did you sound so sinister?â€Â

Cal: “Because I assumed direct control over the fuel tanker. Before we even think of heading to Dres, we've got to fuel up. Once that's done, I get the pleasure of crashing it into the surface of Duna.â€Â

Jim: “Damn, you'll have to tell me when you're doing that, because I want to watch!â€Â

Cal: “Sure thing, but I can't promise fireworks.â€Â

Jim: “You'll still be smearing that thing all over the place, though.â€Â

Cal: “Indeed, I will be.â€Â


Ed: “Hey guys.â€Â

Cal: “Hello.â€Â

Jim: “Hi.â€Â

Ed: “What're you doing there, Cal?â€Â

Cal: “Getting the fuel tanker to meet up with us, because we don't want a repeat of the Venturer mission to Dres.â€Â

Ed: “Say what?â€Â

Cal: “Venturer was practically running on fumes upon making orbit around that asteroid. We don't want the same thing to happen to us.â€Â

Ed: “Yeah, but Venturer started from Kerbin with less efficient propulsion than us.â€Â

Cal: “That's true, but even so, Dres is a bit of a pain in the ass.â€Â

Ed: “Yeah, that's pretty much what I've heard of Dres, although it's not as bad as Moho.â€Â

Cal: “Nothing is as bad as Moho, not even Eeloo.â€Â


Cal: “Ok, well, the tanker is on course now. I've just got to sit here and wait for a bit.â€Â

Jim: “That's all I ever seem to do at the moment; sit and wait.â€Â

Cal: “I could let you fly the tanker if you wanted.â€Â

Jim: “Really?â€Â

Cal: “Yeah, sure. There's a console on the bridge that I use for this stuff. I can show you that in a bit.â€Â

Jim: “Well, alright then, I think I'll take you up on that offer!â€Â

Cal: “Cool. It's pretty much like flying a ship, anyway, except remote control.â€Â

Jim: “Whatever it is, I'm game, just so long as it doesn't annoy any of the guys up there.â€Â

Cal: “Huh?â€Â

Ed: “You didn't hear? There was some big argument up on the bridge during the burn back from Ike. Jeb said some stuff, Bill said some stuff, Bob and Lengas got caught up in it. Hell, even Stanley interjected, so it must have been bad.â€Â

Cal: “Geez, that sounds nasty. You may end up flying Enterprise for a bit, Jim.â€Â

Jim: “Let's hope then, eh?â€Â

Cal: “Indeed.â€Â

Half an orbit later...


Cal: “Alright, here it comes, Jim.â€Â

Jim: “Yeah, I see it.â€Â

Bob: “Sorry, why is Jim doing your job, Cal?â€Â

Cal: “He was getting bored, so I figured this would help alleviate that.â€Â

Bob: “I think a lot of us are getting a tad bored, being cooped up on this ship for so long.â€Â

Cal: “I don't think the wait for the Dres window is going to help much, either.â€Â

Bob: “Oh, tell me about it. I can only hope that Jeb and Bill don't kill each other by then.â€Â

Cal: “I'm sure it's not too bad between them.â€Â

Bob: “They usually chat a fair bit, but they've been avoiding each other the last few hours.â€Â

Cal: “So? It's just a couple of hours. I doubt this little feud will go on for too much longer.â€Â

Bob: “I hope it doesn't, because it got very awkward being sat here. The tension was so palpable that if you went to cut it with a knife, you'd find that you'd need a laser cutter.â€Â

Cal: “Oh.â€Â

Bob: “'Oh', indeed.â€Â



Jim: “I have to say, I'm feeling a bit better now that I'm handling this tanker. It turns like a snail, but it feels good to do something.â€Â

Cal: “I'll let you crash it into Duna, too.â€Â

Jim: “... I think I just died and went to heaven.â€Â

Cal: “Really? I can still see your ugly face.â€Â

Jim: “Oh ha ha, very funny.â€Â


Bob: “Docking ports aligned, bring it in, Jim.â€Â

Jim: “Aye, Commander.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “Fuel tanker at 10 metres and closing.â€Â

Bob: “Wait a second... ok, never mind.â€Â

Cal: “What is it?â€Â

Bob: “I thought I'd left the fuel lines offline, but no.â€Â

Cal: “Oh.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “5... 4... 3... 2... 1... docking complete.â€Â

Jim: “Well, I didn't get too rusty, at least.â€Â

Cal: “No you didn't, good job.â€Â

Jim: “Thanks.â€Â

Bob: “Ok, commencing refuelling. This'll take a little while, same as usual.â€Â

Cal: “Say, where are the other three head honchos?â€Â

Bob: “Hell if I know... actually, I think Jeb went to talk with Lengas, and I think Lengas is in one of the greenhouses. As for Bill, it's anyones guess.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “Commander Bill is currently sleeping in the centrifuge. I wouldn't advise waking him. Jebediah and Lengas are indeed in Greenhouse 2. I would also not disturb them if I were you.â€Â

Bob: “Well, I guess that answers your question.â€Â

Cal: “It would seem so, thanks Stanley.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “You're welcome, Calwell.â€Â

Cal: “It's just Cal, Stanley.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “Very well, Cal.â€Â

Bob: “Halfway fuelled.â€Â

Jim: “Hey, I'm gonna get something to eat, you guys want anything?â€Â

Bob: “No, I'm ok for now.â€Â

Cal: “I'll have some chocolate, if you would.â€Â

Jim: “Sure, back in a jiffy.â€Â

Jim flies out of the bridge and into the centrifuge.

Cal: “... I wonder how Matton and Franklin are doing.â€Â

Bob: “Franklin's recovering, Matton's in bad shape but stable. We got a call from the station just before we came back from Ike, and that was pretty much the gist of it.â€Â

Cal: “Huh, I'd have thought that would have been the other way round, what with Franklin being the guys stranded there for years.â€Â

Bob: “I think that actually came up in the conversation at some point. I guess Matton just got unlucky.â€Â

Cal: “More than unlucky.â€Â


Bob: “Ah, fuelling is complete. Jim, get back here, would you?â€Â

Jim: “I'm coming.â€Â

Bob: “Ok.â€Â

ANSI/Stanley: “All fuel tanks are at full capacity, Commander.â€Â

Bob: “Excellent, we can actually go to Dres now.â€Â

Cal: “Brilliant.â€Â

Jim: “I'm back. Cal, catch!2

Cal: “Whoa, got it. Chocko Blocko, good choice.â€Â

Jim: “Yeah, I got the same. So, are we good to crash this thing into the surface?â€Â

Cal: “It's all yours, buddy.â€Â

Jim: “Yes! Here goes nothing!â€Â


ANSI/Stanley: “Undocking complete.â€Â



Jim: “Am I clear?â€Â

Cal: “I'd say you're clear enough.â€Â

Jim: “Right then, de-orbiting now.â€Â


Bill: “Wait, stop, stop!â€Â

Jim: “Whoa, what is it, Commander?â€Â

Bob: “Uh, Bill?â€Â

Bill: “Duna Spacedock needs the fuel you left in that thing!â€Â

Cal: “You sure? They never contacted me.â€Â

Bill: “I don't think they know we have a logistics guy on board, Cal.â€Â

Cal: “Oh, well... ok then, Jim, take it to the station.â€Â

Jim: “Aye, adjusting course.â€Â

Bill: “Hold on, why is he flying the tanker?â€Â

Cal: “He got bored, so I figured why not?â€Â

Bill: “... Ok then.â€Â

Jim: “Ok, I think it's en route to the station. Care to check?â€Â

Cal: “Yep, it's fine. Once we're done with it there, we'll slam it into the ground, alright?â€Â

Jim: “You bet!â€Â

Half an orbit later...





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