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Favorite Thing About KSP

Collin Cutler

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Hello, I am going to host a survay for the next week on what your favorite thing about KSP.

Here are the rules:

1. Please type the options, It will be easrier to tally up the results

2. Folow rule one

You can choose more then one if you really want.


Type Explination

graffics -Great graffics

explosions- i like to crash stuff

physics- love the physics

rockets- love rockets

planes- love planes

space- love space

exploration- love exploration

challenges- love the challenges

I hope you do this. Thanks for looking at this.


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That feeling I get when I take a Kerbal where no Kerbal (or at least none of mine) has gone before, or when I do something I've never tried and pull it off, or when I do something I have done before, but think of as challenging.

This is one of the few games ever that can make me honestly nervous.

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I'm really enjoying building planes with B9 and Ferram right now. It's so satisfying to create a plane or spaceplane that works. I could be collecting science on Minmus, but I'm just experimenting with spaceplanes in my Career mode save right now

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