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Now what to do next ?


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Install RasterPropMonitors and do your Missions completely IVA. This would also keep your craft fully stock except the one external camera part.

It adds much depths and difficulty to the game... and it really feels different from playing in external view. This mod was a nice push, when i got a little bored.

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Get Ferram Aerospace (FAR). Learn to play with things within fairings. Really changes the whole game. No more crasy monster asparagus things with giant unwieldy payloads on top. You really have to start planning out your launches.

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Start building SSTOs. Build one that can go into orbit, then build one that can go to Minmus. Then to the Mun. Then Duna, Laythe, and beyond! Subscribe to Cruzan to learn how to build SSTOs. Or

, in which I deliver a payload to Tylo with an SSTO.

If you hate SSTOs, then build a base on another planet. It will be 500 times more fun with Kethane and Kerbal Attachment System installed, but you don't have to have those mods if you don't want to. By the way, I'm running a series on my YouTube channel in which I build a base on Tylo. It's pretty big already! Click on my signature to learn more.

But now that my advertisement is done, here's some more ideas: go to the Mun and back with a craft that weighs as little as possible. Oh, by the way,

(ahem, I thought I said my advertisement was over). Repeat for as many planets and moons as you want to.

Build a base on the Mun, then try crash an asteroid into it. Oh wait - I also have

! How convenient.

Anyway, there's tons of stuff to do in KSP. Have fun!

Edited by Andrew Hansen
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