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First Eve landing

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I recently completed my first landing on Eve with two Kerbals and a rover. Unfortunately, it is very likely that it was a one-way trip so I may establish a base in the future. It was both a success and a failure.

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Congrats on your first eve landing! I've had some issues with parts/kerbals "sinking" a bit like quicksand in some areas, especially hilly ones. Also, just in cse you didnt know you can imbed an imgur album by taking the letters off of the end of the album name in the address bar (in your case the album name is "zIYF2") and put it in to an imgur tag like [ imgur ] zIYF2 [ /imgur ] (without the spaces after the brackets).

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No, I haven't done enough testing on the sinking issue. I normally run an ungodly number of mods, so it could be related to that, but like I said I havent taken the time to do a fresh install and test to see if its a location thing or not. I normally try to make sure I have plenty of clearance with landing gear and that seems to help. It's not everywhere, but I have found quite the issue on Duna in my Kult of the Kraken save.

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Ah, okay. I run quite a lot of mods as well so it might be that, I never seen it happen on any of Macey Dean's videos and he ran on a vanilla game. I don't seem to have the problem with ship parts sinking anymore, it's only with Kerbals really.

I haven't actually been everywhere yet, but from those I've been to it's anywhere with an atmosphere.

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