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Alternative for Mousewheel?

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Are there any alternative keys for mousewheel?

I know PGUP/PGDN substitute for mousewheel while building, but I am unable to zoom in and out in IVA cockpit mode because I don't have a mousewheel. The Keypad +/- doesn't seem to do anything in IVA mode.

Any help or suggestions?

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Yes, this is the problem.

I wonder if it's possible to change/fix this without having to load something like autohotkey listed above. I need all the memory I can get for mods. :D

You're probably looking at 200k of RAM for a 3 button script.

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Why the heck are you looking for a substitute?

Are you playing with a game controller (console) as smother control for the rudder/elevons?

If yes, the soloution xcorps provides, is the best.

Because the numpad "+"and "-" keys are your friend only in 3rd person. Witch may be an issue already if you are playing on an laptop.

If you want an smother control without dropbacks:

Look for a flightstick and rudders. These (I'm using the Thrustmaster Warthog with CH Pro Pedals) are simultaniously useable with a mouse. Witch - of course - only make sense, if you are playing flight-simulations like FSX, , Rise of Flight, Falcon 3, or Stomovik 1946 too. You can play with them racing games too - like trackmaina, F1 2013 or asseto corsa, but without a clutch.

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