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Wu Industries U GOD VII Multistage Munar Landing and Recovery System


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here\'s my contribution to the medium sized lunar lander category. It\'s a pretty short rocket comparatively but you can make it work as long as you have some of stage 3 by the time you get to the moon. the song in the video is Eagle in your Mind by Boards of Canada.

how to fly U GOD V

engage sas and rcs and set throttle to full

light up first stage (

at 17,000m turn hard to bearing 90 at an angle of 32 degrees. engage sas. when the outer rockets of stage ( burn out activate stage (7) decouplers. Let remaining stage ( rockets burn out. Realign and stabilize before activating stage (6) decouplers and stage (5) rocket.

at 115,000m, kill power until at aproapsis.

at aproapsis, burn into green circle until in an orbit with a periapsis of at least 100km. kill the power.

locate the moon

orient map view so the moon in 35 degrees to the right. wait for rocket to get on the side of the earth facing you then burn into green reticle, making frequent adjustments, until orbit path appears to go out to lunar orbit path. kill power. speed should be around 3000m/sec.

wait for rocket to get out to where the moon is. if it looks like you might be early, try a sustained burn while pointed between the moon and earth. If you\'re behind, try doing a burn in the direction the moon is going to tweak your trajectorym. with any luck, you will end up hurtling towards it.

by this point you should be down to the lander stage. just fly straight for anywhere on the moon and try to get your speed to about 600m/sec. It helps to land on the sunny side of the moon because you can see your shadow during landing.

at 70 km alt, burn to slow yourself down to about 200 m/sec. at 20 km, realign and slow to 200 m/sec. at 10km, realign and slow to 150 m/sec. at 5km, realign and slow to 50. at 1km, slow to 25. bullshit the rest.

to leave the moon, engage sas and rcs (if still available). set the throttle to full and disengage the external tanks/landing buffers.

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