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Unique Science

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Imagine if certain things could only be unlocked with the results of a specific science mission rather than simply X amount of generic science points. This would prevent people from unlocking the entire science tree without even leaving Kerbin while introducing new objectives with tangible rewards. I'm sure it would take some doing to fit it into the existing framework and get it all well balanced, but it could be an interesting idea to play with.

For example, "While taking a soil sample, Jeb discovers a new radioactive element on the surface of Duna that could enable a new type of propulsion!" unlocks the nuclear engine, or "After spending so much time alone in his Mun lander, Bob thinks he's figured out how to keep TWO kerbals alive in it" unlocks the big lander can. Thoughts?

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This is an awful idea. Letting people complete specific objectives to shortcut the usual process would be fine, but it cannot be the only method. You would not endear yourself to the player by forcing them to jump through hoops of your own choosing instead of letting them go where they want, especially if they're a newbie who needs the nuclear engines to get to Duna in the first place.

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I don't see it as any worse than forcing the player to go up and repeat the same few experiments until they have enough science. Either way it all needs to be balanced, and that's not going to be really possible until contracts and money and the other major keystones are in place. My examples weren't meant to be final either. You're right that Duna is probably too far for something as critical as the nuke, but it doesn't even have to be location-specific. It could be type-specific. It doesn't make any sense to unlock aerodynamic parts by measuring soil samples or observing goo in zero-g. You should have to take atmospheric measurements to get better wings. Not to say there should be "atmospheric-science" or "Duna-science". That would be overkill. It's all still the same science, but certain parts would require a certain experiment to have been performed in order to unlock it.

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I don't see it as any worse than forcing the player to go up and repeat the same few experiments until they have enough science. Either way it all needs to be balanced, and that's not going to be really possible until contracts and money and the other major keystones are in place. My examples weren't meant to be final either. You're right that Duna is probably too far for something as critical as the nuke, but it doesn't even have to be location-specific. It could be type-specific. It doesn't make any sense to unlock aerodynamic parts by measuring soil samples or observing goo in zero-g. You should have to take atmospheric measurements to get better wings. Not to say there should be "atmospheric-science" or "Duna-science". That would be overkill. It's all still the same science, but certain parts would require a certain experiment to have been performed in order to unlock it.

You're not.

You do science, and based on that science you get a budget that you use to research new parts

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