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B9 Aerospace interim maintenance and continued development?

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Considering that Bac9 is absent for the last while (his reasons are his own, and I will not second-guess them) and that the B9 Aerospace pack is published under a CC-BY-NC-SA license, it would be open to anyone to pick it up, fix bugs, ensure compatibility, and other maintenance and development work, so long as they don't take money for it and credit Bac9 and Taverius for their (excellent) work. Has anyone shown interest in doing that? It is an excellent pack, full of high-quality parts, and with as open a license as that on it, it'd make sense to keep alive, and even expand upon. I've seen a few expansions to it under development, including some IVA scenes and one with extra parts.

It's a big pack, and there have been some issues raised and solved in the community - specifically the SABRE engines and updating the dependent DLLs come to mind. It wouldn't be a trivial job, but one well worth doing, I'd say - especially with the recent move to CurseForge.

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That's one of the expansions I was referring to - and an impressive one. There's also one I've seen making an HL cockpit section, one providing IVAs for the S2 and Mk 2 crew tanks, and so forth.

I meant the actual B9 Aerospace pack itself, though. An updated version for latest KSP would be very welcome. Its license allows for it.

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