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Massive space station/base

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Ok the goal is to make a space station with a periapsis of at least 120000 metres and an apaopsis within 10000 metres of the periapsis.

Ok it MUST have the following.

32400 litres of fuel (five of the biggest tanks)

Ten escape pods each with a 10 kerbal capacity.

Room for 50 kerbals (excluding escape pods and visiting craft)

A constant minimum crew of 20 kerbals.

At least two mainsails or stronger engines.

1000 litres of monopropelant

At least 20 recs trustees total.

Bonus points

You will get bonus points if:

It has more than 250 parts - 100 points

It has deployable probes, rockets, and/or satellites - 50 points each

It is stock - 200 points

You have Jeb, Bill, and Bob Kerman all on board - 50 points

You can abandon it and still control it - 100 points

It has a centrifuge made of panels that can produce 10 Gs when spinning - 250 points

It is in orbit around a moon other than kerbin's - 150 points

It is in orbit around a planet other than kerbin - 300 points

It is in orbit of kerbol but past Eeloo - 500 points and an additional 10 for every 1 million metres past Eeloo orbit.

You get 100 points for doing the challenge.

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