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Electro Solar Powered Aircraft CAUTION: PICTURES ARE KINDA LARGE

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This is my first spacecraft post in the spacecraft exchange, so I may not have some stuff correct. I present to you, The Electro Solar Powered Aircaft! ii4NKQa.jpg

This solar powered aircraft is powered by 1 FS1FPE Folding Electric Propeller and 1 e50 Electric Propeller Engine, and has over 200 solar panels to power it. It comes in 2 versions, the Normal One seen above and the "Classic" Version which has an open cockpit. Fn0nyQ7.jpg I have yet to record it's top altitude and top speed, but in the sunlight it has so many solar panels it can run both engines full throttle for an infinite amount of time as long as you are in sunlight. I am not posting In-flight photos yet as it seems the forums do not like me having too many pictures. The mods this craft uses are Firespitter Version 6.3 or later and KAX 2.0 or later. All other parts are stock. It has 270 parts. Download Links. Classic Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nqx8xhdg9pseyzl/Electro%20Classic%20Mk1%20Solar%20Plane.craft Normal Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vhsy0st3benkod6/Electro%20Mk1%20Solar%20Plane.craft

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You have a great looking aircraft there. May I suggest you use Imgur for your picture hosting, you can set up some pretty massive albums and post them here and they dont take that much space.

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I am using imgur, I just don't know how to use all the features yet. I'll probably tidy up this post eventually once I learn how to work with the forum stuff better.

I love imgur, it is pretty easy to use once you figure it out.

To post your album, you post the album code numbers like this...

[ imgur ] 4bX8G [ / imgur ]

No spaces. And it will come out like this.

Javascript is disabled. View full album
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