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Fuel Station

What should I do with My station next?  

  1. 1. What should I do with My station next?

    • Bring a section of the tanker to the Mun
    • Fly it to Jool and have a Jool Fuel outpost
    • Leave it around Kerbin to refuel space stations that will be sent to other planets
    • Whack a Kerbal
    • Use it as a platform to set up my satellite network from

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Well, it seems jeb has been amassing stolen fuel in orbit around kerbin. So far 17 out of the 28 tanks are full. In the future I plan to add one more tank with some 1.25m docking ports and one Sr. port so that docking things to actually refuel is easier. I am also going to de-orbit the solar array, because it just jacks up the part count by ~ 100 parts, and isn't necessary. I also might de-orbit the core module and add some engines and take the thing to another planet, but maybe that plan will be saved for a slightly smaller fuel station.

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I'll post again when I put a similar craft around the Mun.

Edited by TTurchan1
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Actually I think they are quite balanced. Why not use a fork for eating instead of a shovel?

Well, shovels are able to move food much more quickly, and therefore would be more comparable to the NASA parts. In my opinion the orange tanks are just more classy. Also, there are no Nasa sized docking ports (or at least i haven't found them in the tech tree, because i started a new career in 23.5, and haven't played sandbox, and I enjoy pacing my career, and focusing on the kerbin system and Duna to begin with)which means that the station would look really awkward with all the adapters. Finally, I'm like 75% sure that i didn't have nasa parts when I started the station, and i'm 100% sure that i wasn't planning on having more than the 7 tanks at first, it just felt like the obvious progression after I put the first segment on.

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