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The Asteroid Redirectaroid Program!

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From the dawn of Kerbal time, everyone has wondered about the large bright fireballs that they occasionally saw in the sky.

Some were due to rocketry failures (which were carefully covered up by the government) but even after these files were released by Edward Snowkerb, some of the fireballs remained a mystery... until a poor farmer named Nelfred was crushed by a full-sized Class E asteroid and the video went viral on KerbTube. The Kerbal Space Center staff were amazed that such big rocks existed up there, and after some careful searching, they found one named Gus. And then they sent some Kerbals up there to capture the asteroid and tow it into low Kerbin orbit. This was for two reasons: an unclassified one (to gather scientific data from it) and a classified one (because asteroids are really cool).

Here goes nothing.

Enjoy the video, let me know what you think, and feel free to speculate on whether or not I'll actually be able to tow a E-class asteroid into low Kerbin orbit.

Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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Good luck. I like " Edward Snowkerb".

A tip: you can select the asteroid as a target while still on the pad. This lets you to two things-

1: Warp until KSP is right under the asteroid's orbital path.

2: Use the target markers to launch straight into an orbit that's roughly in the asteroid's plane. (Check which way the 'roid's going first.)

3(I lied): Feel like a pro at rocketing.

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Good luck. I like " Edward Snowkerb".

A tip: you can select the asteroid as a target while still on the pad. This lets you to two things-

1: Warp until KSP is right under the asteroid's orbital path.

2: Use the target markers to launch straight into an orbit that's roughly in the asteroid's plane. (Check which way the 'roid's going first.)

3(I lied): Feel like a pro at rocketing.

Hey, that's a good idea! It's too late to do anything about it now, though I'll probably try next time.

I'm 200km from the asteroid right now, on course for a nice docking! I'll be posting pics and video later :)

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Wehrbro: There she is. Isn't she a beauty?

Nelbus: The name Gus implies that the asteroid is male.

Wehrbro: You and your {REDACTED}-ing logic!

Eleny: SHADDUP! Let me pilot this craft!

Wehrbro: ... alright.

Nelbus: We're two hundred meters away, closing at half a meter per second.

Wehrbro: You know what would make this docking better?

Eleny: Yeah! This docking would be great if you SHUT. YOUR. MOUTH. I need to concentrate.

Wehrbro: No, this docking would be wonderful if we had some Cheez Poofs to nosh on!


Eleny: Kod.

Nelbus: We're a hundred meters away. Eleny, can you set the RCS to manual? We're a little off-center.

Eleny: I'm on it.

Nelbus: A little more to the right... Yes, that looks very good.


Wehrbro: Hey, guys!

Nelbus: I thought we didn't have any Cheez Poofs.

Wehrbro: I snuck some in. Don't tell anyone, you know how much they love them.

Nelbus: Don't open it near the controls, Wehrbro! STOPPIT!

Wehrbro: No, no, it's fine? See?

Eleny: NO! Get that Cheez Poof out from under the SAS Manual/AUX Switch!


Eleny: {REDACTED}!

Nelbus: We're three meters out! BRACE FOR IMPACT!

Wehrbro: Aw, man. These Cheez Poofs are outta this world! (See what I did there?) heh


Eleny: ...

Wehrbro: ...

Nelbus: ...

Eleny: Well, another great docking, guys! Nice job! Now get that Cheez Poof away from the comms switch - NOT LIKE THA---


With all due seriousness, this docking was much easier than I had expected it to be...

Here's a video:

Pictures coming soon! Enjoy the video :)

Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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