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crash report request.

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i would like to request, an easy to read crash report, of course made side by side with the actual one, so people with a lot of mods, can easily find out, what mod is causing the problem. instead of going through the crash report to see its a certain dll which had the file loaded(at least thats how i read it), simply because my game crashes, alot, but i have a huge ammount of mods, and most are added at the same time, to speed up the installation of the mods.

something easy to read, if possible. like the following example

"KSP has crashed, the file (KAS/Parts/winch1/winch1.cfg) failed to load properly

Crash report created (2014-05-11_170804)"

Or something similar, so its easy to find the source of the problem, instead of just getting the message it crashed.

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xrayfishx i have some programming experience, not a lot, and nothing in the unity engine, only windows programs, in C# so far, but in C# programming

im able to see the error code, and in the programming set, if error code is something specific (ie 22) it will read a certain part of the entire error, and post it in the popup window (only read the part that failed ie "picture failed to load, picture not found") if it is as easy as it is in C# windows programs, then i cant see the problem, but if its not, then i can see why they might not.

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