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Has anyone wondered about how Jool's moons were discovered?


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Most of Jool's moons seem to have been discovered after failed attempts to wipe them off the telescope lens because they were mistaken for a speck of dust or pollen or something. Has anyone noticed this?

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Yes, they need some lens wipes.

Also, I cannot wait until something like a discovery mechanism is added to the game. I think the current asteroid system is the basis for that. Let's hope it will use the observatory that they added to KSC when they updated it.

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Let's hope it will use the observatory that they added to KSC when they updated it.

I think the observatory like building is not in the best position for that. It's near the sea, leaving the lense vulnerable to seaspray. It's not far above sea level, so has the whole atmosphere to see through, it's close to all the light pollution from KSC, and the dust and vibrations from launches.... A better place would be in the mountains, or even on Airstrip Island.

However, from a this-is-where-to-click point of view, having it part of KSC makes sense.

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Yes, they need some lens wipes.

Also, I cannot wait until something like a discovery mechanism is added to the game. I think the current asteroid system is the basis for that. Let's hope it will use the observatory that they added to KSC when they updated it.

Wut? All I see at KSC is runway, SPH, VAB, launch pad, astronaut complex, R&D facility, tracking station. Where's this new observatory?

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Wut? All I see at KSC is runway, SPH, VAB, launch pad, astronaut complex, R&D facility, tracking station. Where's this new observatory?

You need to rotate the camera around, as it is behind the default position (holdout from when KSP was much smaller)

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Yes, they need some lens wipes.

Also, I cannot wait until something like a discovery mechanism is added to the game. I think the current asteroid system is the basis for that. Let's hope it will use the observatory that they added to KSC when they updated it.

I was just thinking a minute ago that there should be a mod for procedural stars and a telescope to give science points for observing them - after all, before we try to GO to other solar systems, we should FIND some.

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I think a discovery mechanic of sorts has been mooted. Not so much actually finding the celestials, but finding stuff about them. Like when you start, Dres say will just be a fuzzy grey orb in map view, and only shows detail once you've sent a probe. I wouldn't mind seeing stuff like mass and surface gravity poorly known for moonless bodies until you do a flyby, with the orbit predictions fuzzy or just omitted, that could make things really fun.

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I think a discovery mechanic of sorts has been mooted. Not so much actually finding the celestials, but finding stuff about them. Like when you start, Dres say will just be a fuzzy grey orb in map view, and only shows detail once you've sent a probe. I wouldn't mind seeing stuff like mass and surface gravity poorly known for moonless bodies until you do a flyby, with the orbit predictions fuzzy or just omitted, that could make things really fun.

Even though I'm a terrible ksp player I thought about this as well and I think it would make it really fun especially the way you said it. Imagine sending a probe to somewhere, thinking your info is correct only to find out the atmosphere is really only a quarter of what you thought it was... Having this stuff as an option available for sandbox (via a "discover celestial bodies" checkbox) would be great too.

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In my headspace I don't assume Kerbals are idiots, in face it really lessens my enjoyment of the game every time I see things like "kept wiping it off the lens like dust"

So to me the moons of Jool were discovered hundreds of years ago when Jebileo Kerman improved the telescope used for spotting ships at sea and pointed it at Jool. What he saw there he realized were moons, totally remaking Kerbal science forever. He named them Laythe, Vall, and Tylo after the children of Jool in Eastern mythology. He went on to confirm the phases of Minimus and Eve.

Laythe: the oldest daughter of Jool was a goddess of winds and consort of Eve. She and her sister Vall were worshiped by ancient sailors.

Vall: the goddess of the oceans, modern information has lead many to suggest that it's name should be switched with Laythe due to Jebileo's inability to see the true nature of these moons with his primitive telescopes, however many oppose this as to not degrade the memory of Jebileo and the names are so deeply ingrained to almost be impossible now.

Tylo: the youngest son of Jool, god of crafts. Worshiped by builders and workers of metal.

Further scientists pointed their telescopes at Jool and other points in the sky for the chance to name a celestial body.

Bop: Due to the lack of remaining children of Jool, the discoverer of Bop named it after the spirit of hidden springs worshiped by the ancient people from his western desert region.

Pol: Pol was the spirit of plants in the mythology of the western desert, the ancient peoples of those lands saw this spirit as both helpful and tricky as many plants in their region carry harsh poisons.

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