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Creating the Earth Departure Stage

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So I've been meaning to use the new 3.75m parts to recreate the different blocks of the SLS, but when I got to block II, I ran into some issues, namely, the Earth departure stage. My assumption is that the KR2L engine is meant to be an anologue to the 2 J-2X engines on the SLS, because it's part of the NASA pack and nothing in the SLS is similar.

So is that the case, that I can use the KR2L as my pair of J-2X's, or will I need to slam together a couple LV-T45's or something?

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you should be able to use the KR2L (i havent used it yet so dont quote me) you might have to add a bottom node though so you can stack things below it.

The KR2L has a bottom node, it's the single bell giant grey one. But Ok, I guess I'll give it a go.

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