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Hey guys, let's start with a question.


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Hello everyone,

I've been playing for awhile now and am fairly proficient with moving around the kerbol system, but I'm always looking for cool ideas, improvements, and maybe even mods that aren't too crazy.

I've got a simple question that I can't find an answer for (at least with 15 minutes of Googling).

Do the farings that get jettisoned from the atomic engines before they activate hold some of the total mass of the engine? It'd be nice if some of the high mass was associated with lead shielding or something like that.



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If you mean the fairings that appear if a decoupler is under the engine (with yellow "LV-N" written on them), then I think they have no mass / their mass is included in decoupler's mass. Those engines are that heavy (2.25t), it somehow balances their enormous Isp.

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Also, I have yet to see them doing any damage as they decouple, even though sometimes you'd be afraid that they would. Made of lead foil or some such apparently.

I've had a couple of them get stuck between other engines when I forgot to rotate them when in a 3 engine configuration. Reloading fixed it though. Luckily no damage :P

Thanks for the welcome.

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They don't have any mass and a nerva engine from what I'm told isn't actually nuclear

And welcome to the forums.

They are nuclear powered. You may be thinking of the misconception that the exhaust is radioactive, which it is not.

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Also, I have yet to see them doing any damage as they decouple, even though sometimes you'd be afraid that they would. Made of lead foil or some such apparently.


Those faring can do a lot of damage if you cluster the LV-N and don't rotate them in such a way that they don't hit anything. They have taken off engines upon staging.

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