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[WIP]"KONQUEST:Modular components for permanent bases" by ASET (14/05/2014)


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Yep, would love a pre-release or just something to play with.. My fingers are itching at the chance to colonise Duna :D

Also, I don't think I've ever said this (or seen it mentioned), but I thought I'd let you know alexustas, that the animations in your videos are extremely well done and very professional looking. I don't think I've seen any other video maker that shows off WIPs as well as you do. I just watched the heatshield video and the particle effects are amazing. So yeah, I like your videos as well as your mods :D

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Seeing that last video, I'm not sure the ramp even needs to be textured any further.

What he said.

Also, could you tell us some specs about these parts? As I mentioned, I want to start making my skycranes for the modules and seeing this gorgeous cargo bay, I want to now design a rover that could fit in it :P

Thanks for the excellent update, I (still) can't wait for release!

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well, Cargo Module has taken much more time than i expected and I still have not finished texturing of ramp and other mechanisms. But seems like - everything works as expected :cool:


I agree with Gaalidas, that sure looks finished to me! :D

On a related note, I notice that in all of your testing videos and pictures so far, none show a bespoke, built-in landing leg system or module, but in your initial concept images you depict one. I hope you're still planning to develop landing gear that match the rest of the 'Konquest' system? I sure don't want to have to just tack on some stock landing legs like you do in your videos. No offense...

Anyway, you (Alex) have such a fantastic attention to detail shown by only a few other modders. :) Sumghai, Bac9, and BahamutoD are a few that spring to mind. Keep up the great work, and I am certainly looking forward to a release of the Konquest system soon! But hopefully not Soontm, lol! :D

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Have you considered including your own landing engines BahumutoD has some very nice fold out versions which would be a perfect fit, please consider as with the high detail you give your models tacking on stuff just looks well tacky to coin a phrase


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Well, Cargo Module is finished :)




At the moment we have: CAM, SCM, LAM, SM, SMA and CM, and left to do LGM and GreenHouse. And I have a question to all of you. Would you like to get full package with with landing legs or you want to see it now, as it is right now, without awaiting the remaining modules??

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Luuuuurvly stuff! I was initally wondering about how to have a larger rover in the cargo bay but thinking about it, I could just stack a whole bunch together and make some system that rotates it round and undocks it.. can redock with extending legs..

Ok, yeah, I want to play with them now please :)

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Luuuuurvly stuff! I was initally wondering about how to have a larger rover in the cargo bay but thinking about it, I could just stack a whole bunch together and make some system that rotates it round ..

Yes. it is quite possible

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Yup, that's pretty much what I have as well, except mine can redock and is foldable :P

So, I have a module delivery crane that doubles up as a normal crane when grounded, a one-shot delivery system, a rover (they all may or may not be inspired by your designs).. all I need now is KONQUEST :D

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alexustas s it possible to make Open/Close option for left and right sides separately - can i open for instance left side of cargo module while the right door stay closed??? or there are some game mechanic limetations that don't allow to implement this one??? Anyway keep us great work. And yep, i guess could be better to release mod as it is now - it allows you to continue work on legs module and gather enought beta tests reports/ may be open some topic for reports/issues/bugs=)

Edited by Dextre
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As much as I want this system now I would also rather have it more or less complete so that I don't have to rebuild the entire colony when it gets updated. Besides, you're making some amazing progress here and I doubt we'll have long to wait overall.

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Well, Cargo Module is finished :)

At the moment we have: CAM, SCM, LAM, SM, SMA and CM, and left to do LGM and GreenHouse. And I have a question to all of you. Would you like to get full package with with landing legs or you want to see it now, as it is right now, without awaiting the remaining modules??

now please the ones that dont wont it now dont have to install it:sticktongue:

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At the moment we have: CAM, SCM, LAM, SM, SMA and CM, and left to do LGM and GreenHouse. And I have a question to all of you. Would you like to get full package with with landing legs or you want to see it now, as it is right now, without awaiting the remaining modules??

Well I mean everyone who has been following this thread I am sure is chomping at the bit to get there hands on whatever version of this mod is available myself included. I mean releasing it now wouldn't be a bad thing you would be able to get input from the community and possibly ideas. Troubleshoot issues that might come up etc. I would definitely prefer to have it 100% complete but releasing as it is doesn't mean you're not going to finish it, it's just a beta release.

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Count me as someone who would like the set to be reasonably complete when you first release it. Of course you'll have fixes and such that get released, but I'd rather not start building a colony and either not have all the pieces to work with or end up getting some colony-breaking update later on.

Also, will the greenhouse module produce the 'Food' resource for TAC Life Support?

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