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Expanded KSPAddon modes

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This is a request to improve the KSP API.

Just like there's a flag "KSPAddon.Startup.EditorAny", which allows a plugin to be loaded in either the VAB or the SPH, it would be nice if there were a flag "KSPAddon.Startup.RealTime", which would cover scenes in which the game time progresses. At present, there are three such scenes: SpaceCentre, TrackingStation, and Flight. I assume the much-discussed mission control center would also fall under this flag, once implemented.

This would greatly streamline developing plugins that need to keep an eye on the game state.

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This is a request to improve the KSP API.

Just like there's a flag "KSPAddon.Startup.EditorAny", which allows a plugin to be loaded in either the VAB or the SPH, it would be nice if there were a flag "KSPAddon.Startup.RealTime", which would cover scenes in which the game time progresses. At present, there are three such scenes: SpaceCentre, TrackingStation, and Flight. I assume the much-discussed mission control center would also fall under this flag, once implemented.

This would greatly streamline developing plugins that need to keep an eye on the game state.

Not necessary in my opinion. KSPAddon.Startup enum is treated as a mask, so you can just use logical operators to select the scenes you want:

// Tracking station, space center, flight
[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.TrackingStation | KSPAddon.Startup.SpaceCentre | KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)]

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Not necessary in my opinion. KSPAddon.Startup enum is treated as a mask, so you can just use logical operators to select the scenes you want:

// Tracking station, space center, flight
[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.TrackingStation | KSPAddon.Startup.SpaceCentre | KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)]

Have you actually gotten this to work? I've inspected the KSPAddon.Startup values and they do NOT appear to be bit flags.

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Have you actually gotten this to work? I've inspected the KSPAddon.Startup values and they do NOT appear to be bit flags.

You're right! It worked for the thing I was doing at the time, but due to dumb luck apparently. Strange choice by Squad. Maybe I can redeem myself. I came up with this (public domain, KSPAddonFixed by Majiir):

internal class KSPAddonImproved : Attribute
public enum Startup
// KSPAddon.Startup values:
/* Instantly = -2,
EditorAny = -3,
MainMenu = 2,
SpaceCentre = 5,
Credits = 4,
EditorVAB = 6,
EditorSPH = 9,
Flight = 7,
PSystemSpawn = 10

None = 0,
MainMenu = 1 << 0,
Settings = 1 << 1,
SpaceCenter = 1 << 2,
Credits = 1 << 3,
EditorVAB = 1 << 4,
EditorSPH = 1 << 5,
Flight = 1 << 6,
TrackingStation = 1 << 7,
PSystemSpawn = 1 << 8,
Instantly = 1 << 9,

EditorAny = EditorVAB | EditorSPH,
TimeElapses = Flight | TrackingStation | SpaceCenter,
RealTime = TimeElapses,
EveryScene = ~0

public bool runOnce;
public Startup scenes;

public KSPAddonImproved(Startup mask, bool once = false)
runOnce = once;
scenes = mask;

/// <summary>
/// KSPAddon with equality checking using an additional type parameter. Fixes the issue where AddonLoader prevents multiple start-once addons with the same start scene.
/// By Majiir
/// </summary>
public class KSPAddonFixed : KSPAddon, IEquatable<KSPAddonFixed>
private readonly Type type;

public KSPAddonFixed(KSPAddon.Startup startup, bool once, Type type)
: base(startup, once)
this.type = type;

public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) { return false; }
return Equals((KSPAddonFixed)obj);

public bool Equals(KSPAddonFixed other)
if (this.once != other.once) { return false; }
if (this.startup != other.startup) { return false; }
if (this.type != other.type) { return false; }
return true;

public override int GetHashCode()
return this.startup.GetHashCode() ^ this.once.GetHashCode() ^ this.type.GetHashCode();

// note: this needs to be KSPAddonFixed; don't change it
[KSPAddonFixed(KSPAddon.Startup.Instantly, true, typeof(CustomAddonLoader))]
internal class CustomAddonLoader : MonoBehaviour
// What's improved? The KSPAddon.Startup is now a bitmask so you can
// use logical operations to specify which scenes you want your addon
// to be loaded in

// master list to keep track of addons in our assembly
List<AddonInfo> addons = new List<AddonInfo>();
private string _identifier;

// Mainly required so we can flag addons when they've
// been created in the case of runOnce = true
class AddonInfo
public readonly Type type;
public readonly KSPAddonImproved addon;
public bool created;

internal AddonInfo(Type t, KSPAddonImproved add)
type = t;
created = false;

addon = add;

internal bool RunOnce
return addon.runOnce;

internal KSPAddonImproved.Startup Scenes
return addon.scenes;

void Awake()

// multiple plugins using this source will create their own instances
// of the loader; the log can get confusing pretty fast without some
// way of telling them apart
_identifier = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name + "." + GetType().ToString();

// examine our assembly for loaded types
foreach (var ourType in System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes())
var attr = ((KSPAddonImproved[])ourType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(KSPAddonImproved), true)).SingleOrDefault();
if (attr != null)
Debug.Log(string.Format("Found KSPAddonImproved in {0}", ourType.FullName));
addons.Add(new AddonInfo(ourType, attr));

// special case here: since we're already in the first scene,
// OnLevelWasLoaded won't be invoked so we need to fire off any
// "instant" loading addons now

void OnLevelWasLoaded(int level)
GameScenes scene = (GameScenes)level;
KSPAddonImproved.Startup mask = 0;

if (scene == GameScenes.LOADINGBUFFER)

Debug.Log(string.Format("{1}: {0} was loaded; instantiating addons...", scene.ToString(), _identifier));

// Convert GameScenes => SceneMask
switch (scene)
case GameScenes.EDITOR:
mask = KSPAddonImproved.Startup.EditorVAB;

case GameScenes.SPH:
mask = KSPAddonImproved.Startup.EditorSPH;

case GameScenes.CREDITS:
mask = KSPAddonImproved.Startup.Credits;

case GameScenes.FLIGHT:
mask = KSPAddonImproved.Startup.Flight;

case GameScenes.LOADING:
mask = KSPAddonImproved.Startup.Instantly;

case GameScenes.MAINMENU:
mask = KSPAddonImproved.Startup.MainMenu;

case GameScenes.SETTINGS:
mask = KSPAddonImproved.Startup.Settings;

case GameScenes.SPACECENTER:
mask = KSPAddonImproved.Startup.SpaceCenter;

case GameScenes.TRACKSTATION:
mask = KSPAddonImproved.Startup.TrackingStation;

case GameScenes.PSYSTEM:
mask = KSPAddonImproved.Startup.PSystemSpawn;

case GameScenes.LOADINGBUFFER:
// intentionally left unset

Debug.LogError(string.Format("{1} unrecognized scene: {0}", scene.ToString(), _identifier));

int counter = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < addons.Count; ++i)
var addon = addons[i];

if (addon.created && addon.RunOnce)
continue; // this addon was already loaded

// should this addon be initialized in current scene?
if ((addon.Scenes & mask) != 0)
Debug.Log(string.Format("ImprovedAddonLoader: Creating addon '{0}'", addon.type.Name));
GameObject go = new GameObject(addon.type.Name);

addon.created = true;

Debug.Log(string.Format("{1} finished; created {0} addons", counter, _identifier));

It's basically a drop-in replacement for KSPAddon. Include the source and change your KSPAddons into KSPAddonImproveds

//[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)]
[KSPAddonImproved(KSPAddonImproved.Startup.RealTime | KSPAddonImproved.Startup.EditorAny /* and so on */, false)]
public class SingleTest : MonoBehaviour
public void Start()
Log.Warning("Test has run");

It might do in the meantime

Edited by xEvilReeperx
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