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GSA: Project Trident


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In the aftermath of the 63rd and a half World War, the people of planet Kerbin rejoiced as the debris clouds cleared. But now the people of Kerbin needed something more, something to distract them from the fact that the planet had literally been wiped blank by the ravages of war. So, the newly created United Kerbin government created a new administration, with one simple goal: to explore beyond the skies of Kerbin, and to take kerbalkind to the stars. The Global Space Administration set to work immediately, coming up with a project to accomplish the governments three primary goals: To reach orbit, explore and land on both moons, and establish a foothold in space. Project Trident will accomplish these goals.


1. The Kerlington Command Capsule Test and KSC Inspection

OOC: So this is to be my mission report to chronicle my goings on, with the theme above. The first project, Trident (Named as such because of its three main goals), will basically be just me harvesting all the science from Kerbin's SOI so I can unlock the tech tree. While I can accomplish interplanetary missions without doing so, my next project as it was pre-designed requires most of the tech tree to work out. Thus, Trident will come first.

I am using Tac Life Support (without respawn), as well as Science Revisited and Stock Rebalance. I'm also using a lot of other mods, as will become apparent. I have trimmed a lot of the mods to just the bits and bobs that I actually use. I have also edited a few things. Namely, the J2 engine from FASA was changed to be a bit more powerful (I found it too weak, and even in the 5 engine configuration my TWR was still under 1.0 even when using all FASA parts above the engines), and I've edited several command pods to be KAS containers to spare myself the headaches of trying to integrate the normal KAS containers where they didn't really fit.

My first mission log will start off right as I start the game. And go on from there as I see fit. I'll likely skip supply missions and certain maintenance bits. And as I'm sure it'll be asked, I do intend on having a unique mission badge/flag for every project. The basic flag for non-project missions will just be the NASA flag. We'll pretend it says GSA, because I'm too lazy to do up an actual GSA flag.

Edited by G'th
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Mission Log: The Kerlington Command Capsule test and Kerbin Space Center Inspection

Goal: To test the Kerlington Command Capsule in preparation for the first launch and to inspect the grounds of the Kerbin Space Center.


Today, team commander Connor Kerman has his work cut out for him. He has to test the freshly acquired command capsule in preparation for launch, and it has fallen on him to inspect the grounds of the newly built Space Center as well.

In accordance with the new programs policy, Connor was abducted in his sleep and placed into the capsule, unconscious. He woke to the capsules interior in a daze, with Bob cracking on over the radio to tell him to get to work.

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I decided to spice up the customary farm KSC for early science points mission everybody does by taking a tour of the center, which is something I've never actually done before. It was actually pretty cool.

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