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Kerbal Dynamics: Kerbal Fling

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Simple challenge: using a counterweighted arm or a circular assembly, fling a Kerbal as far as you can, scoring is for distance at rest from the pivot.


- Your pivot must be fixed to the runway using a clamp or other such device as to prevent it moving.

- You may use a mod pivot (eg from Infernal Robotics) or build your own (like the landing gear bearing HOCGaming used here:


- Your Kerbal does not have to survive landing (though that might make it easier to gauge distance travelled - rule subject to revision re: parachutes (is there a way to attach a radial chute to the back of a chair and the whole assembly to a coupler?)) but it must survive the launch.

- Your arm or rotating assembly can be as large as you like.

- Your arm/assembly must make at least one complete revolution at speed before the Kerbal is launched.

- Your Kerbal may not fly with any form of thruster or lifting surface including wings, rockets, infiniglide assembly, jets, RCS or hackgravity. It is a ballistic brick the moment it is launched.

- You may use a chair or a capsule to house your Kerbal until the point of launch, and whether you throw the Kerbal in the capsule/chair or have him go EVA is up to you.

- Normal "No 'Sploits" rules apply. You may however use Unbreakable Joints if you use a custom (ie player constructed) bearing.



1. DJWizardcop with the craziest unbalanced flinger I've seen and probably the most complex custom bearing ever conceived. 193.3m







Edited by ihtoit
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I think you should ban launch clamps, all you have to do is fix them to the bearing and all your troubles are over. This goes much further if I get rid of the down tubes and base for launch clamps, I'd of made the arms much longer and span it faster without needing to worry about balancing and stability nearly as much. 852m as free standing vehicle, and the Kerbal walks away.

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the launch clamp is there primarily for the purpose of having a fixed point of reference, I don't quite get what you mean by the difference between using a clamp and not - either way if your swing arm is unbalanced it will shake itself apart.

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