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Shelley Space Program-Humble Beginnings (5/16/14 8 PM-10 PM EST)


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Hello, KSP!

My name is Paul Shelley and I'm getting back into streaming Kerbal Space Program on a more regular basis. This time around I am taking an Infotainment approach to the stream. I will try and do career mode and reconstruct, loosely, some actual missions, both planned and actual, while also talking about events or figures in space travel history. There is a lot about space travel which even your average Kerbal fan may not know, some real interesting characters and ideas for how we as a species can do like the Kerbals and conquer our own solar system. I have some difficulty mods installed for added drama but generally speaking this will be a relaxed stream with some information supplied, the more hardcore detailed stuff about space history I will clean up and add after the fact when I push the videos to youtube. If this sounds like an interesting idea to you feel free to come hang out. Hope to see you there!



Edited by Bzerker01
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