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We like Mudkipz - the Pokémon Thread!


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I felt that it was time to open a thread for Pokémon on the KSP forums, because it seems to me, that there are indeed some Pokémon fans around here! I thought, that we really needed a seperate place to discuss everything concerning Pokémon.

So, for getting started, I would like to know something from you, my dear Pokémon-comrades;

What's your favourite Pokémon type? What are your favourite 3 (or more) Pokémon? And why? And, what's most important, do you like Mudkipz? ;)


My favourite Pokémon type is Steel. I love the fact, that there is not much that can seriously harm a steel Pokémon.


My #1 favourite Pokémon is Latias. Not a steel Pokémon, I know, but I think it looks very neat and elegant. I mean, it's based on a fighter jet! :D .It also packs quite a punch, but seriously; what are you expecting from a legendary Pokémon? ;)

With it's dragon/psychic-type and it's special ability, it also has quite some nice resistances, what makes it perfect against the average enemy.



My #2 favourite Pokémon is Registeel. Simply because it looks badass, has high values and is a steel-type. Try defeating Brian's Registeel in Pokémon: Emerald and you know what I'm talking about. Fighting a Pokémon that can poison your Pokémon but cannot be poisoned itself is a... 'lovely' experience.



My #3 favourite Pokémon is Skarmory. (I think it's name sounds waaaay more better in german: "Panzaeron".) Seriously, in every Pokémon-game I play, I'm catching me a Skarmory and name it "Stalin". Most enemies fail in defeating them, because Skarmory has the second-highest type-resistance of all Pokémon - the enemies fail, but Skarmory can hit them very hard! (Or at least annoy them). And it cannot be poisoned.



I also like: Latios (same reasons as Latias), Regice (...), Kyogre (cute fish), Rayquaza (badass dragon), Metagross (steel monster) and Magneton ( electro is my #2 favourite type and it's also steel :) ).

I'm playing Pokémon: Black Edition 2 atm and sadly I'm quite disappointed of it :( Seriously, after playing SoulSilver, Black 2 just feels bad, IMO.

Last but not least:


Yeah of course, I like Mudkipz!*

*I've chosen it as my starter every time I could. ;)

That I chose the [GAMES]-prefix IMO doesn't mean, that discussions about the Pokémon anime/ films don't belong here. I just had to select a prefix... :huh:

I also would like to excuse for my (probably) bad english.

Edited by Stahlwerk
Bier, Bratwurst, Sauerkraut
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