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Harrier Jump Jet Replica

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This is my latest creation, The Harrier Jump Jet.

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Real Life Harrier:

  • Weight: 6,340 kg (13,968 lb)
  • Top Speed: 1,065 km/h (662 mph)

KSP Harrier:

  • Weight: 6,166 kg (13593 lb)
  • Top Speed: 1,008 Km/h (626 mph)

I have used various version of the Harriers as a template. Due to KSP there are many structural and aesthetic traits that can't be help such as the gear on the wings are pointing the opposite direction compared to the real harrier because of the CoM.

Other then some structural and aesthetic difficulties, she flies pretty well. You can do aerobatics because of the rotating nozzles, however this plane is difficult to master. Things you need to take into consideration; the pitch, roll and yaw in correlation to the angle of the nozzles. Hovering and landing (VTOL) are hard due to slow response of the jet engine. This is a fun and rewarding plane once you master it.

Mods Used:

  • FAR
  • B9
  • Procedural Wings
  • Aviation Lights
  • TTModularWheels
  • Firespitter
  • KAX

>>>Craft File<<<

Edited by -KidWithEyeBalls-
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Ah, I've seen that secret project before... Forgot the name, but it was an experimental vehicle by the Soviet Union to check if air compression very close to the ground/sea(a few metres) would increase airspeed.

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Nice. Here's a couple of my stock Harrier, for comparison. Being stock, it has to use a centrally placed engine for vertical flight, but isn't too difficult to fly as long as you remember which action keys to use to swap between engines.



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