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I've done everything that I've accomplished without add-ons

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but I must confess I "stole" ideas from different threads. I've gone to the Mun and landed and returned. But, I have to confess, I'm kind of at a loss at getting that perfect circular orbit at 75-100. Every time I get into the screen where you can plan maneuvers, I click add maneuver and the lines are jumping all over the place before I can get it where I want to get it.

Am I over-thinking this or is there some easier way to stop it. As soon as I click the node to add a maneuver the lines go almost immediately elliptical and I can't get it to go circular for the life of me. On my successful trip to the Mun I was in an elliptical orbit, but the periapsis was low at maybe 65K and as I came out of it, it slung me, I suppose, to the Mun, with a little propulsion.

Edited by joekidd1992
I figured out the solution
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If the lines are jumping all over the place that means your orbit is almost exactly circular (off by about 2km, any less and it gets really bad) the easiest way is to timewarp (NOT Physwarp) I think a video of the issue would help here (Or several screenshots with descriptions)The maneuver node initially appears on your current orbit, assuming you did nothing. You have to drag the markers around to change it, and the resultant dotted line is your new orbit.

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What's the best way to take a screenshot? Is it easy to get it from the steam repository to here?

The default is F1 (For non-steam screenshot, I don't know what it is for steam) and you could upload it to Imgur, or just share it from the repository.

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Thanks all. I just kept working at it and also developed a better Munar ship with a lander so that I get there with a lot more fuel. This is a LOT easier now that I have built a ship with 4 of the orange tanks as opposed to what I was using.

Oh, and thanks taki117, I am much better able to get circular orbits. with this ship and I finally started waiting until I hit 75K before turning the ship almost perpendicular and working on my orbit. Much better that way. Still not perfect but close enough.

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