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Antares Colossus test, Orion cruiser construction and Spacedock

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LKO has been busy tonight with Spacedock and Orion going up. Antares gets a test on the Mun. Here's the details:

Antares Colossus successfully lands on the mun and drains an entire kethane field in a single landing. She now carries 144 tons of Keth back to orbit to be turned into few. The TAC balancer lets her move new fuel from the conversion tank over to the engines.

Prepping for Jool the Orion Cruiser is constructed in LKO. The center core runs on the Ultima Ultra heavy lift system. The design puts 500 tons or more of payload into orbit with a TWR of 4 off the launchpad and a low atmosphere profile. The cruiser required a side trip to Minmus to pick up science for Nuke rockets. The nuke drivers were built in the VAB and flown up to the Orion to dock on 4 plyons.

For future builds the Spacedock was launched into orbit. This 800 ton behemoth will carry extra fuel, kerbals, and rations with new greenhouses to make it a self sustaining station.

Edited by michaelhester07
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