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Kerbals Stuck on Mun!

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Yes i am slightly angry but the rescue mission being planned without any promises from the staff will make me happy.. now if they can build a decent landing system...

anyways, sent my first major exhibition to the moon, brought goo pods, a research section, and a science pod! obviously science pods take 2 kerbals, but my command pods only seat 1 at this time. So i built, 2 command pods on the return vehicle (gonna leave the big ol science pod behind) and have both kerbals return with all the data in the command pods. Yes i am aware this is not effective of getting science points but whatever :-p anyways.. when you remove said kerbals from the command pods and stick them in the science pod... you no longer can get them back!! apparently and tested this on the launch pad.. if you have no one in the command pods, or a probe attached, you will no longer be able to even communicate with the space craft, there for it has eaten your kerbals until the rescue team arrives with extra room.

thus ends my rant,

the real question is.. was the game designed this way, or is this a bug?

Edited by stormoffires
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By "science module," do you mean the Mobile Processing Lab? If so, rotate the camera and left-click on the Mobile Processing Lab's hatch. It's the square piece with the yellow and black tape on it in this picture:


You will then get a menu listing the Kerbals inside, with EVA buttons to remove them.

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With just a bare science lab on the pad, crewed with two Kerbals, I was able to click the hatch and EVA them out as normal.

However, clicking the hatch can be finicky, sometimes the tooltip doesn't show up right away or only shows when you point the mouse at just the right spot. This is a general issue, unrelated to presence or absence of a working command module, and may be your problem. Try carefully moving the mouse around the hatch untill you get the tooltip popping up, and try using both hatches.

Finally, remember this menu comes up on a LEFT click, unlike the normal part menus.

If all else fails, call it a bug and modify your persistence file to put a Kerbal in the command pod.

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must be just a bug with my computer, a missing command or something.. i installed it on my laptop and tested, works that way but my desktop wont allow me to click on the doors. So i re-installed the game and now it works.

this is what i was getting



say saying "click on the door" did not help ;)

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No mods, pure vanilla. The problem is fixed however, with a reinstall, tests work on the pad now so musta just been a bad file.

another thing i noticed is without something for command, they cant run science projects in the pod :(

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Yeah, there seems to be some random hatch blockings and missing EVA buttons. It's unclear what's causing this, but it seems to only be effecting the hitchhiker and lab modules. Perhaps because those two require you to click on the hatch, hence people only notice the problem on those modules.

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And this is why you should post pictures along with your question.

Without that, we just asume you don't know how to EVA from a door. With the picture, you actually show us what the problem is. A simple bug

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In any case, the way to fix it is to open the persistence file and look for the since module "Part" section. Find the line that says "crew = ##". The ## will be the crew member's number (you won't see a name). Move that crew line to the cockpit modules and you should be able to get your guys back out.

Probably not the best fix for your situation (because I assume you're trying to use the lab), but at least it allows you to "rescue" the vehicle.

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