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So yeah...


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After browsing the tutorials section I came across Alex Moon's "pork chop" plotter and departure calculator, found here: http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ I love this thing: it gives a more flexible presentation of launch windows and is allowing me to put a flight out to Eve in the "off season"

So I used it when the Moho launch window came up and sent four unmanned probes out there, one orbit apart. The calculations worked like a charm, I just set up my maneuver nodes like the told me, fiddled with them for about 10 minutes and I was off. One correction burn not even on the ascending or descending node and I had four encounters.

I've decided to call them the "Moho Conga Line."

Anyway, the lesson learned is that after all my inaccuracies and navigational errors, I'm left with this in my Kerbal Alarm Clock:

Probe 6: SOI change to Moho: 94d, 1h, 43 min

Probe 5: SOI change to Moho: 94d, 1h, 46 min (!)

Probe 7: SOI change to Moho: 94d, 2h, 13 min

Probe 8: SOI change to Moho: 94d, 2h, 47 min

Bear in mind that the way these probes are configured I'm expecting a capture burn to take about 10 minutes. I'm hoping to fix things in the refinement burns when I adjust periapsis on approach to Moho. Hopefully that will spread the arrivals out some.

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Sometimes too much precision can be detrimental you your (mental) health and well-being :) Careful with fiddling - Moho's SoI is small, and that darn planet is fast. If you set your encounter too late, the probe will shot back into Kerbol orbit like a bullet.

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