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[0.14] Instant Orbit / Debris Generator with bonus Asteroid


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It\'s possible to collide with them but the main problem is that the collider is limited to 256 faces and it\'s the collider that determines what you can collide with.

The asteroid has 1000 faces so the collider only approximates the shape of the asteroid. The collider might be above the visible surface in one area and below the visible surface in another area.

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Eccentricity is how circular your orbit is. I couldn\'t tell you the maths myself but wikipedia would be able to tell you everything you needed to know. What I can tell you is that a perfectly circular orbit has an eccentricity of 0. Inclination is the other thing you\'d want to fiddle with, 0 degrees is a standard easterly orbit, 90 degrees and 270 degrees are polar orbits.

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  pina_coladas said:

Eccentricity is how circular your orbit is. I couldn\'t tell you the maths myself but wikipedia would be able to tell you everything you needed to know. What I can tell you is that a perfectly circular orbit has an eccentricity of 0. Inclination is the other thing you\'d want to fiddle with, 0 degrees is a standard easterly orbit, 90 degrees and 270 degrees are polar orbits.

thanks, math and orbital mechanics are not my forte...

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  Geeny said:

So, is this the final version???

Currently spending most of my time messing around with the plugin system so changing it isn\'t high on my priority list.

  Lazurkri said:

Sorry if I sound like a idiot, but what would the instructions be for a Munar orbit at 5KM going over the poles? I\'m not good at the whole 'Eccentricity' thing.....

Semi-major axis = 205000

Eccentricity = 0

Inclination = 90 or 270

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  JellyCubes said:

Currently spending most of my time messing around with the plugin system so changing it isn\'t high on my priority list.

Semi-major axis = 205000

Eccentricity = 0

Inclination = 90 or 270

Thanks Jelly... Compared to all you guys, I don\'t know shit about orbital mechanics and stuff....

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Huh? You mean JellyCubes\' railgun part?

....my stupid. yes, jellys railguns. I try to fire them, and they fly straight for a while... then decide to try to enter space. I\'ve had them actually curve from going straight down to going vertical in tests. the missiles he has work still.

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I haven\'t been reading the forums enough recently, and missed seeing this before now. Nice work!

I\'m imagining a scenario. Say I launch two rockets, each with a different component module of a space station. I practice my rendezvous and docking maneuvers until I get the two modules to bump gently into each other. I go to the VAB and build a mockup of the two modules attached to each other. Hit launch to load the assembled space station into the game, but don\'t actually launch it. Exit the game.

Next I look at the save file and find the orbital parameters of one of the two component modules. I copy the numbers down. Relaunch the game, go to the tracking station, and end flight for both modules.

Final step, I use your program to send the assembled space station into orbit where the two separate modules used to be.

Would this work? Am I understanding everything, or do I have it wrong?

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I haven\'t been reading the forums enough recently, and missed seeing this before now. Nice work!

I\'m imagining a scenario. Say I launch two rockets, each with a different component module of a space station. I practice my rendezvous and docking maneuvers until I get the two modules to bump gently into each other. I go to the VAB and build a mockup of the two modules attached to each other. Hit launch to load the assembled space station into the game, but don\'t actually launch it. Exit the game.

Next I look at the save file and find the orbital parameters of one of the two component modules. I copy the numbers down. Relaunch the game, go to the tracking station, and end flight for both modules.

Final step, I use your program to send the assembled space station into orbit where the two separate modules used to be.

Would this work? Am I understanding everything, or do I have it wrong?

1. I think it would work.


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  Tim_Barrett said:

At the moment, we can\'t.

I very (very) gently approached the surface of it, and the bottom of my rocket slowly started turning into smithereens, piece by piece.

That would be awesome, though. I wonder if gravity can be scripted into parts... Forming a Mun out of debris, anyone?

I\'d like a completely round Kerbin sized planet. Then, I\'ll have the first ever orbit with a Car, with the Cart plugin! TheCart plugin will like that planet!

The debris thing doesn\'t work for my. My English is not epic and without further information, I don\'t know what I need to fill in in these things.

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  witeken said:

I\'d like a completely round Kerbin sized planet. Then, I\'ll have the first ever orbit with a Car, with the Cart plugin! TheCart plugin will like that planet!

The debris thing doesn\'t work for my. My English is not epic and without further information, I don\'t know what I need to fill in in these things.

This is pretty much impossible unless you manage to find out functions in plugin code to create new planets, and I doubt that is possible.

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I haven\'t been reading the forums enough recently, and missed seeing this before now. Nice work!

I\'m imagining a scenario. Say I launch two rockets, each with a different component module of a space station. I practice my rendezvous and docking maneuvers until I get the two modules to bump gently into each other. I go to the VAB and build a mockup of the two modules attached to each other. Hit launch to load the assembled space station into the game, but don\'t actually launch it. Exit the game.

Next I look at the save file and find the orbital parameters of one of the two component modules. I copy the numbers down. Relaunch the game, go to the tracking station, and end flight for both modules.

Final step, I use your program to send the assembled space station into orbit where the two separate modules used to be.

Would this work? Am I understanding everything, or do I have it wrong?

The program only accepts semi-major axis, eccentricity and inclination. It doesn\'t accept longitude of periapsis, longitude of ascending node or anomaly. The assembled space station will have the same elliptical shape but the orbital plane will be different so the space station won\'t actually be in the same place where the modules were located.

Exiting the game isn\'t required. You can go back to the Space Center or the title screen and then run the orbit changer. Reduces loading time if you have a lot of mods.

The program should move all ships that begin with whatever you typed. If you had a ship called 'Noah' and another ship called 'Noah\'s Ark', if you typed in 'Noah' into the Orbit Changer, both ships will have their orbit changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So for the mac version that dodrian put out I try to open with terminal, but it just wont let me. The only thing comes up when I right click, open with; text edit. I go to open with...; and search for terminal and its grayed out and unselectable. Anyone want to help me out?

EDIT:I got it to 'open' with terminal, yet nothing happens.

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The debris generator doesn\'t work for me. It creates the persistence.sfs file with all the values, but nothing ever shows up in-game. When I leave the space tracker, it deletes all the asteroid references from the file. I *do* have the 500m asteroid and it even shows up in my part list. Can someone give me a working persistent.sfs file to double-check that something\'s really broken for me?

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  Frostiken said:

The debris generator doesn\'t work for me. It creates the persistence.sfs file with all the values, but nothing ever shows up in-game. When I leave the space tracker, it deletes all the asteroid references from the file. I *do* have the 500m asteroid and it even shows up in my part list. Can someone give me a working persistent.sfs file to double-check that something\'s really broken for me?

In the persistance file, try changing the version number to \'0.14.3\' or whatever KSP version you\'re using.

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Finally figured out the proper numbers to enter in to have a good orbit of the Mun... could you, IDK, put a list of all the parameter numbers we enter in for, say, a polar orbit of the Mun at 25KM, etc etc etc?

Or, add in some 'Quick and dirty' instant orbit options; like say, when you start it up, after telling the orbit program what your ship name is, have it ask something like 'Do you wish to use a preset orbit option or enter in a custom one?' and it\'d have a short list of orbital options for Kerbin and the Mun.

I ask because, as I have stated before, I am NOT a astrophysicist; I enjoyed using the 'Instant Orbit' parts back before .14, because even though I usually had to correct my orbit after using them, it was quick and easy.

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