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[WIP] KAP - Kerbin's Age of Pioneers (A Career Mode Overhaul)


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Im impatient to test it, loved the first release!... But because of the Spaceport-Curse change i cannot download KAS, RemoteTech2 and Goodspeed, i tried to download KarbonTech but i couldn't find it anywhere

Can you provide some links?

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Made a new install and mostly working fine just a few notes:

ModuleManager found 1 error in KAPLLL.cfg

Truck Cab air intake doesn't seem to work. I'm not familiar with ModuleResourceIntake but perhaps tweak it so you can get a bit of air at 0 velocity.

KAPCombustion.cfg isn't creating the Mk2x1 Hull with Internal Combustion Engine part for my install. Not sure what is causing this.

Game Data Directory looks like this at the moment:








DMagic Orbital Science






































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  redteddy23 said:
Made a new install and mostly working fine just a few notes:

ModuleManager found 1 error in KAPLLL.cfg

Truck Cab air intake doesn't seem to work. I'm not familiar with ModuleResourceIntake but perhaps tweak it so you can get a bit of air at 0 velocity.

KAPCombustion.cfg isn't creating the Mk2x1 Hull with Internal Combustion Engine part for my install. Not sure what is causing this.

The MM error and the Mk2x1 Hull with engine may be the same issue. Check in the folder with KAPCombustion.cfg and see if engine.cfg from 01's still there. If it is delete that. That'll clear the part name duplication assuming that's the issue.

Until I can come up with a fix, try slapping a couple of radial intakes directly on the cab. That might be enough to get the bugger started.

-EDIT I suspect intakes need an intake transform (?) defined in the part model itself, and the cab hasn't got one so the intake is doing nothing.

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I can't reproduce an MM error being reported on KSP load but have found one in KSP's log. MM doesn't handle spaces very well. I knocked out the search for the manufacturer [Lack Luster Labs] out of KAPLLL.cfg and that eliminated the log error. It's possibly a redundant search anyway.

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  AlphaAsh said:
The MM error and the Mk2x1 Hull with engine may be the same issue. Check in the folder with KAPCombustion.cfg and see if engine.cfg from 01's still there. If it is delete that. That'll clear the part name duplication assuming that's the issue.

Until I can come up with a fix, try slapping a couple of radial intakes directly on the cab. That might be enough to get the bugger started.

-EDIT I suspect intakes need an intake transform (?) defined in the part model itself, and the cab hasn't got one so the intake is doing nothing.

Yeah no engine.cfg from 01 in the folder. I think that the model section in KAPCombustion.cfg might be the problem as these paths do not exist in the version of LLLFull im using LLL-12-2_2.zip. The texture but not the model is there in 2013-12-22-LLL-Lite-v1.zip. And everything in the path for LLL-0-10-6.zip which i guess is the correct one.



model = LLL/Parts/FuelTank/LLL2x1/thirdlength

texture = model001_NRM , LLL/Parts/Structural/LLL2x1Hull/HullNorm


Edit: Yep using LLL-0-10-6.zip cause the the 3 missing parts to appear.

Edited by redteddy23
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  AlphaAsh said:
Ahhhh, that makes sense. I haven't updated LLL in a little while and it's probably a version mis-match. I'll grab LLL-12-2_2.zip and sort it. Cheers chap.

There was a big re-organisation in LLL-12, for the third length 2x1 hull it should be


it won't matter what directory you put that in, so might as well make a new entry under 'LLL/Parts/Engine/' or even put it in your own folder if you want.

And for the end-cap probe


Again, directory doesn't matter for the config so probably best make a new entry in the Control/ folder,

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So i tried running this some days ago, even when completely removing B9 the game crashed, so i couldn't test anything. But i got to think, what are the MUST have mods? Im talking about important mods that are needed to get a near-full experience of the plugin, for example RemoteTech2

Note: Yes i do have ActiveTextureManagement :D

Edited by SlimeCrusher
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KAP won't be much fun without:



LLL (Note: Not finished integrating this yet! Lots still to do.)

It's better with:




You shouldn't miss:




if you don't bother with them. But that may change if I integrate more of them.

Keep in mind I'm not integrating all the parts from every mod but at this stage I'm not prioritising the documentation that tells you what you can delete. This is an alpha. Also keep in mind, I'm far from done integrating mods. There's more to come, especially for mid and late tech-tree.

I've got a beefy PC. My KSP settings are nearly maxed out. I've got ActiveTextureManager only scaling and compressing a little. And I've not got a crash happy KSP yet, so I'm not sure what I can do to diagnose the issues you're having SlimeCrusher :(

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My problems reside in that i only have 2 GBs ram, and in my country its not very cheap, i'll try running it with Firespitter, KAX, LLL, RemoteTech2, SCANsat and Goodspeed, last time i tried i could run the game, but the VAB was messed up :P

Edit: Wait, is Kethane included currently?

Edit2: I really liked it! Although im currently at tech3, i would have made it farther... If the game wouldn't have RANDOMLY crashed, for some reason. I started out trying to make a truck, ended up with an APC, but then i noticed you cannot make any science with that, also noticed that RemoteTech2 isn't fully working correctly, when i was launching a rocket (aka. 4 radial SRBs, 4 decouplers, a middle SRB, a kog pod and a chute with some antennas and 2HOT thermometers), i didn't had any control over my pod when going out of range, if i deployed my antennas they would explode (Working as intended AFAIK), the connection went OFF. I tried again, this time i deployed both antennas, making them explode (Along with my thermometers D:), after i cross the magic sphere of remote control, something strange happens, the "signal box thingy" says "N/A", but i still could control my rocket.

Note i can already run the game without crashing :D

Edited by SlimeCrusher
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A quick call for collaborators and contributors, specifically the modellers and texturerseres.... erm artists who are interested in what I'm doing. A lot of mods are about offering alternatives and improvements to Squad's parts. A big part of KAP is about filling tech gaps. A good example would be old SAS solutions, prototypes etc. KAP's got a lot of placeholders for 'older parts' and these are the ones I will want to replace first. If you'd like to help with that and have some experience with making parts for KSP, drop a note in this thread or PM me. Thanks for reading.

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@SlimeCrusher: Try knocking out RT2's dll and MM files for now. That'll make life a lot easier. I've only used some RT2 art assets and haven't balanced the mod properly for KAP yet ;) Ouch sir, ouch. (Nightmares of exploding antennae tonight!)

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03 progress update. LLL is still being integrated. There's so much good stuff in it that works for KAP. I've been banging my head against a wall as to why the TT Truck Cab's engine works and the MkV Hog's doesn't though and it's likely the Hog's combustion engine will be a 'sealed' system that converts Oxidizer into oxygen rather than needing IntakeAir. Still needs petrol of course.


Edited by AlphaAsh
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My first impulse is to answer with a flat no. However, I need to actually try RSS before that's definitive. I'd be more inclined to do an actual actual real-world career mode TC only using mods that have direct analogs of real-world space program components. That'd make late tech tree a bit sparse I'd imagine :P

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...... I'll note that if you went the realism, real world space program route, you would basically have to have an engine that was a perfect recreation of the V-2 (aka Aggregate-4) missile, along with warhead and guidance systems analogue, and also be able to recreate almost all of the rockets derived from it, and every other rocket motor developed up until you reach the year you want to stop at. I was just thinking of a version with the required science rebalanced along with Procedural Parts support to make RSS users capable of using this.

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  Fox62 said:
...... I was just thinking of a version with the required science rebalanced along with Procedural Parts support to make RSS users capable of using this.

What's RSS doing to science at the moment?

EDIT - Error of grammar type, bad. now fix ed.

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  AlphaAsh said:
What's RSS doing to science at the moment?

EDIT - Error of grammar type, bad. now fix ed.

Other than making it harder to collect, barely anything i guess

Its your choice to have RSS or no RSS, but i think it just makes it harder for everyone

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