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Things to do with asteroids


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Whatever you like. Landing them at the space centre seems popular. I'm taking one of mine to Duna with a gravity assist off Kerbin. If it's career mode, taking them to as many different situations as possible and taking surface samples in each gets lots of science.

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  Victus said:
I haven't even seen an asteroid yet, not really sure how :blush: However I can go to Duna and back so that's something..

Are you running the latest version of KSP? (0.23.5)

If you are, go to tracking station, zoom out, and you should see a number of objects without orbit near Kerbin. Those are asteroids. Click on them to see the size class (A smallest, D biggest), and than select 'track' to see the orbit of the asteroid. This will also keep it permanently in the game. All asteroids that aren't tracked disapere after awhile.

Now that you have an asteroid, catch up with it and bring it home

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  Victus said:
I haven't even seen an asteroid yet, not really sure how...

Not to derail the thread but: Asteriods were only introduced in the 0.23.5 ARM version so if you have a previous one you won't get them. In the ARM version go to the tracking station and zoom-out the map a bit so you see other planets' orbits too. You should see several 'unknown' items (circles with question-marks), which are asteroids. Click one (or more) and the button at the bottom-left of the screen will change to 'track object'. After being tracked for a while you'll see the size and orbit. If you don't track them they go away, and respawn, having no other effect on gameplay (which is a nice, clever approach by Squad/NASA I think).

Edit: Oops, previous post is correct, you can see the size-class before tracking.

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To actually see one in the game, though, you'll need to rendezvous with it. The two main approaches are Kerbin orbit rendezvous, where you meet up with it once it's in Kerbin's SOI, and solar orbit rendezvous where you meet it in interplanetary space. Obviously the OP managed the rendezvous somehow or other.

Claw wrote a good tutorial on solar orbit rendezvous, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75759-Asteroid-Rendezvous-Outside-of-Kerbin%E2%80%99s-SOI

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:D I've seen them in game but I haven't seen one up close yet. I tried just after I posted in this thread but unfortunately I wouldn't have been able to ever get a rendezvous with it as it was at such an odd angle. I'll keep trying as I want my ScanSat to finish searching Eve for 6k+ landing positions.
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  jmm said:
I pushed a couple of asteroids into low Earth Kerbin orbit, now what?



Anybody tried joining two or more asteroids together yet?

Joining two together is totally possible (and a good docking challenge), but there have been mixed reports about how stable it is. I joined to class C's together;

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it works ok, but it can be a bit glitchy (things jump up and down) when you approach it in another craft.

I saw someone had joined several small ones to a larger central one and that seemed to be more stable. The great thing about asteroids docked together is you can transfer fuel across them, so it makes for a great refuelling station hub.

Edited by katateochi
speelong errs
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All asteroid types connected, the Kraken ate it shortly afterwards. Just the type E connected with the center hub and type C was super wobbly (attached D last). Total mass without the assembly RCS probes 3196t.

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I parked a class-b in Kerbin orbit and winched a hitchhiker container to it, I have a lone Kerbal living on an asteroid. Then I dropped a class-a nearish to KSC and brought it back on a truck I built. Now they're both just kind of sitting there until I figure out something interesting to do with them. I thought I might build a really big crane and set the landed one on top of a tower I would build to make a monument, but I'm not sure I can build a (stable) crane that tall without a few more parts that I don't have access to yet. If only you could hollow one out, strap engines to it, and put kerbals inside... Or fuel.

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  Duke23 said:
I parked a class-b in Kerbin orbit and winched a hitchhiker container to it, I have a lone Kerbal living on an asteroid. Then I dropped a class-a nearish to KSC and brought it back on a truck I built. Now they're both just kind of sitting there until I figure out something interesting to do with them. I thought I might build a really big crane and set the landed one on top of a tower I would build to make a monument, but I'm not sure I can build a (stable) crane that tall without a few more parts that I don't have access to yet. If only you could hollow one out, strap engines to it, and put kerbals inside... Or fuel.

I actually managed to get an asteroid on the Vab quite some time ago







Its only a class A but eventually Ill land something bigger there

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  DerpenWolf said:

Show off! Lol... That's pretty impressive. The craft you used to bring it up there is what intrigues me... I would have built something to winch the asteroid under it, at first instinct. But that looks like it worked pretty well.

Edit: my asteroid fiasco should be at the top of this page (I can't get a direct link on my phone for some reason) and a few posts down I made something better than the trailer, but a little more explodey to be honest.

Edited by Duke23
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  Duke23 said:
Show off! Lol... That's pretty impressive. The craft you used to bring it up there is what intrigues me... I would have built something to winch the asteroid under it, at first instinct. But that looks like it worked pretty well.

Edit: my asteroid fiasco should be at the top of this page (I can't get a direct link on my phone for some reason) and a few posts down I made something better than the trailer, but a little more explodey to be honest.

I tried to make a craft that would fly over the asteroid and pick it up with an under slung claw like a sky crane and it was a nightmare, I even tried planes and that didn't work either! Basically I found that having the asteroid on one side with a counter weight of the same mass on the other side worked best as it actually made it easy to manage the asteroid. Recently I've actually decided to see if I can replicate this with a class e asteroid but my lifter is having some strange kraken issues that I need to get around to reporting.

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