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Smallest Minmus lander

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Pretty obvious, you have to build the smallest Minmus lander.


No Alt+F12 debug menu.

No mods (except for orbital information mods like Kerbal engineer and Mechjeb).

The lander has to bring at least one Kerbal down to the surface.

In-orbit rendez-vous and docking is allowed.

EVA'ing your Kerbal down to the surface is not allowed (but bringing him back into orbit is).

The ship has to be able to bring the Kerbal back to Kerbin safely without getting out and pushing.

You have to do this all in a single mission.

Bringing your kerbal down on a ladder is NOT allowed.

That's it! I'm looking forwards to your pictures and/or videos.

No kerbals were hurt in the making of this thread.

Edited by pauldbk99
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No your orbital stage can be as big as you desire, it is the lander which needs to be small. And yes, EVA back to orbit is allowed, but i do not know how you are going to land because you have to do it in a single mission.

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  pauldbk99 said:
No your orbital stage can be as big as you desire, it is the lander which needs to be small. And yes, EVA back to orbit is allowed, but i do not know how you are going to land because you have to do it in a single mission.

Kerbal can survive if he lands on his helmet. But if the lifter and return stage can be any size then it's not clear to me why they're even important - the challenge is more about the smallest thing you can use to get a Kerbal from Minmus orbit to surface. And that's IMO 3 or 4 parts.

Edit: I just landed with this (0.29 t fully fueled including the Kerbal) from 15 km orbit and there's enough fuel left to return back to Kerbin (so definitely enough to return to orbit). And I'm not sure it can be made any smaller.


Edited by Kasuha
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  Kasuha said:
Kerbal can survive if he lands on his helmet. But if the lifter and return stage can be any size then it's not clear to me why they're even important - the challenge is more about the smallest thing you can use to get a Kerbal from Minmus orbit to surface. And that's IMO 3 or 4 parts.

Edit: I just landed with this (0.29 t fully fueled including the Kerbal) from 15 km orbit and there's enough fuel left to return back to Kerbin (so definitely enough to return to orbit). And I'm not sure it can be made any smaller.


Well in that case the entire ship needs to be small

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Though it stretches the definition of lander, and of not EVAing down, you could do this with one part, a small ladder.

* Stop the orbiter dead, with as low a surface altitude as possible.

* Release the ladder.

* Quickly EVA the Kerbal over and grab the ladder.

* Reorbit the orbiter.

* Let the Kerbal fall to the ground holding the ladder.

A similar approach could be used to land in just a command pod (preferably a plane cockpit).

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  cantab said:
Though it stretches the definition of lander, and of not EVAing down, you could do this with one part, a small ladder.

* Stop the orbiter dead, with as low a surface altitude as possible.

* Release the ladder.

* Quickly EVA the Kerbal over and grab the ladder.

* Reorbit the orbiter.

* Let the Kerbal fall to the ground holding the ladder.

A similar approach could be used to land in just a command pod (preferably a plane cockpit).

Well... let's just say ladders are not allowed, shall we?

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I present, the luxury version of something small: Micro Minmus. It even has a full-blown capsule, batteries and solar panels! :)

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Seriously though, I see this being the heavy-weight of all things posted here but

- it's a rocket, not some contraption with jet engines (not that that's a bad thing - 2 tons is darn impressive - but it ain't my thing)

- it has loads of safety marigns

- it handles like a charm

- 17 tons is still not bad in my universe

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  cantab said:
Though it stretches the definition of lander, and of not EVAing down, you could do this with one part, a small ladder.

* Stop the orbiter dead, with as low a surface altitude as possible.

* Release the ladder.

* Quickly EVA the Kerbal over and grab the ladder.

* Reorbit the orbiter.

* Let the Kerbal fall to the ground holding the ladder.

A similar approach could be used to land in just a command pod (preferably a plane cockpit).

I like that.

However, you don't even need to deorbit the vehicle in the first place. What matters is the vertical speed of your Kerbal upon landing. With an excentric orbit just skimming Minmus you can have him shed the horizontal component of his velocity with friction if you're careful (and very lucky). Sit the kerbal in an EAS1 seat, and decouple that seat aiming at minmus surface: the ejection force might be enough to send it against the ground.

How's that sound for lithobraking ? :D

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  Jesrad said:
With an excentric orbit just skimming Minmus you can have him shed the horizontal component of his velocity with friction if you're careful (and very lucky).

Some time ago I tried that and I tried really hard but it just doesn't work, KSP parts are too bouncy. You just get kicked upwards to another orbit or suborbital trajectory that will most likely send you against surface at much less comfortable angle.

Lithobraking might work as all you need is to dampen some 150 m/s. You still need command chair (so it counts as lander) and probe core (to orient yourself), but then you can use just one more part that will explode upon impact and stop your fall.

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Indeed. Hence why EVAing down had to be banned, otherwise you could call it a zero part lander.

Heck, my first Minmus landing was an EVA. It was a nice challenge, what with the reduced instrumentation.

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