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WWII Tank Battles (Stock Scenario Game)


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1. You may not field any more than 7 Units on the Russian Side. (This doesn't include the T-34/85 sent by High Command)

Tanks count as 1 Unit.

2. Tanks move by tonnage. (Light tanks go first, Medium tanks go second, Heavy tanks go last.) Each side may move 2 tanks

in a single turn but you are only allowed to attack with one of them.

3. You control the Germans. (Or a friend who is willing to control them for you) The Germans will attack the more heavily armored

Russian tanks with their Panthers. The lighter StugIIIs and single Hetzer(I the Hetzer wasn't in the battle but It was the only other German Tank I had)

will attack lighter armored targets.

4. You may field aircraft however they cost 2 Units. (Tank Dropships cost 3 Units)

5. No mods are allowed. Also try to field slightly realistic tanks for added fun factor. (E.G. No ROFL Stomp with say Vaos's Hell Rain or Zekes TogII)

6. The Russians win if they destroy all the German Tanks. The Russians also win if the Germans use all their ammo. The Germans win if they reach the Russian

Position (Flag) and there are no Russian Tanks in the surrounding area. The Germans also win if they destroy all Russian Tanks or the Russians use all their ammo.

This Month/Weeks Scenario is Operation Citadel/The Battle of Kursk

German Battle Group A

Two Panthers with two cannon shots. (Maxrange 200m)

One experimental Panther with an L100 needle gun. (Maxrange 700ish)

One Hetzer with two low velocity cannon shots. (Maxrange 400ish)

Two StugIIIs with two low velocity cannon shots. (Maxrange 400ish)


Arial View:


Firing Procedures:

ALL German vehicles and Russian Vehicles that are provided are meant to fire at a complete stop.

Russian Defense Group


Russian High Command has granted you a free T-34/85. You may not field anymore than the one that is given to you at start.

You may field the (T-34 76mm) H.K.D1 Jackals that are pre-made in the hangar as the 7 Units you are allowed to field. If you do, after half of your vehicles are destroyed you may bring out two reinforcement (T-34 76mm).

If you do NOT field all the 7 Units as the (T-34 76mm) you are not allowed to get reinforcements.

Show me the results :D

Save file: http://www./download/l7aodg0n27wp1fw/Open_this_to_find_save_folder..rar

Just open the .rar and copy the folder inside to your "saves" folder in the Ksp Folder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes! It most certainly works! But I do not have access to my PC at the moment. (only a library computer) So you move the Germans yourself :P

There are rules that explain how everything works. Sorry for not answering for such a long time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sure :D I don't have access to ksp tho, so you will have to move the tanks yourself.

(Panthers engage the heavier armored tanks, the smaller tanks will engage weaker tanks or artillery)

Don't go above 75 tons total tho.

sure, i can do that. Just tell me how.

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sure, i can do that. Just tell me how.

Read the Rules :P

Germans will move first, they are the attackers.

You can move two tanks, but you can only attack with one of them.

You can only fire at one target. (Either until it is destroyed or you are depleted of munitions)

Germans attack the heavier tanks with their panthers, and the lighter ones with their stug3s and hetzer

Lighter tanks move first. (keep in mind that my Panthers are only 15tons)

Russians have the same rules.

Post what you are using.

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the Russian lines are ready, the battle is about to begin! Keep your eyes on this post, i will edit it as the battle goes on.


UPDATE 1: Jebediah kerman, piloting a Stug, attempted to destroy the russian artillery battery, but lost control and crashed into it. His capsule disintegrated, and there was no body found.


Edited by zekes
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Sorry to crash the party, guys, but roleplaying threads are pretty much all as forbidden here as they get. They start out fun, but sooner or later someone starts taking the war outside the thread, which is the biggest (but definitely not the only) issue.

I don't like crashing all the fun parties, but here on the forums roleplay has to be pretty much a no-go zone, I'm afraid. :/

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