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Can someone please explain the new FX module .cfg definitions to me? Puzzled.

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What's up peoples, I'm confused by the new fx ... I'm not particularly knowledgeable when it comes to modules, so please bear with me. :blush:

  • What do the various emissions values represent?

  • Why does the VAB Y-axis = the offset Z-axis? (I realize that this has nothing to do with the fx module... just curious. =)

  • In a welded part made of two engines, is it possible to disable the fx and thrust on one of them? I made an engine in which I used a second engine model inverted as structural eye candy, but unfortunately it spits as much fire and thrust +Y as the intended engine directs -Y.
    I assume that this is because fx are applied to the all "thrustTransform"s, so I'm wondering if there is a way to create a dummy transform or something to disable fx on one. Ideally I would like to be able to redefine the transform within the MODEL{}, but I won't hold my breath on that one. Alternatively I was thinking that a second engine module might be usable as a dummy, but even if successful it would be way too messy and clutter/confuse the in-flight gui.

  • Lastly, is it possible to scale fx?
    ie. is there a way to get a 2m Rapier to emit something less wimpy-looking than the petite little flames of the 1.25m version... if scaling isn't an option, are there large and small variations of fx like in the old system? I'm really hoping for scaling though.

Thanks a bunch!

Trial and error is slow-going in ksp... .cfg alteration, reload parts -------------wait-------------------wait-------------------wait---------------... repeat endlessly. :confused:

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What do the various emissions values represent?

The first value in a line is engine thrust/100, the second is particle emission as built in the .mu /100

Why does the VAB Y-axis = the offset Z-axis? (I realize that this has nothing to do with the fx module... just curious. =)

thrust transform objects use their Z-axis as the direction of thrust.

In a welded part made of two engines, is it possible to disable the fx and thrust on one of them? I made an engine in which I used a second engine model inverted as structural eye candy, but unfortunately it spits as much fire and thrust +Y as the intended engine directs -Y.

I assume that this is because fx are applied to the all "thrustTransform"s, so I'm wondering if there is a way to create a dummy transform or something to disable fx on one. Ideally I would like to be able to redefine the transform within the MODEL{}, but I won't hold my breath on that one. Alternatively I was thinking that a second engine module might be usable as a dummy, but even if successful it would be way too messy and clutter/confuse the in-flight gui.

You can add a new transform to use by adding a model node, but you will still probably need to set up your dummy .mu in unity.

Lastly, is it possible to scale fx?

The stock options for controlling effects are lacking in certain areas, and this is one of them. Solution: use SmokeScreen and set its size curve to the value you need.

Edited by Nazari1382
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