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Controlled Descent assistance pls

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It would be useful if you can share details of what kind of engine are you using, size / weight of your payload and / or some pictures of your craft.

The general advice I can give you having no information whatsoever is: Keep you keyboard capslocks key active, it enables fine tuning on your throttle control and allows you to manage the power of your engine with more precission.

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Are you setting your navball indicator on your retrograde marker and following it down?

Once you're in a hover and getting to where you're gently setting down it can get touchy to keep the retrograde vector straight down and keep your throttle under control. That takes practice. I started using a controller so I'd have better landing controls and use the analog triggers for throttle so I could make slight changes easier. It helps - but you need to do a work-around and some file editing to get that to work.

There's a difference between horizontal and vertical velocity and the stock instrumentation does a poor job showing it in my opinion. Likely your surface speed is 10m/s horizontal and zero vertical. There's a gauge up by your altimeter that shows you your vertical speed, and note that altimeter is NOT radar altitude. If what I'm thinking is the the case too your retrograde indicator will be the horizon of your navball too.

Really the easiest way to land is burn against that retrograde marker when in surface mode on the navball and follow it down. As you get more practice you'll learn how to push that marker around to do more precision landings and more efficient ones.

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