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Question on trasmit science

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I have a rover, i want to transmit science back to kerbin from mimnus. and i have just 35 electric charge to use.

can use either seismic magnetometer or gravioli detector, both have some science in the transmit bar.

how is the game supposed to behave?

(i just want to know how it is supposed to because im having a strange behavior and want to do a comparison)

Edited by Kaezan
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If you transmit (and assuming your rover is capable of recharging its batteries) you will see messages in the upper left of the screen based on how much science is being transmitted and if you have enough electric charge or not. If you do not have enough charge (but do have a way of recharging) once there is enough power to continue transmission it will continue.

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Not to shove your question to another place, but this may help out in understanding how science works overall in KSP: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Science

So the specific answer to your question will depend on exactly what you're looking at.

As for transmitting science, you can only gain a percentage of the science available when you transmit, the percentage depends on the device. There is a green bar and a blue bar. The green bar shows the amount of science if you were to return the experiment to Kerbin, the bottom blue bar shows how much you get for transmitting.

For example:


This shows that you would gain 10 science for recovering the experiment to Kerbin. However, you only get 3 science (30% as shown on the blue button) for transmitting. Transmission is a maximum percentage you can gain, which means if you do the same experiment again you will NOT gain another 3 science. The actual amount will be much smaller, but the remaining science is still available if you were to recover a duplicate version of the experiment.

(The rules for exactly what experiments are repeatable and all that are in the wiki page. SciJr and Goo act differently than the others, but I don't want to bog down the thread.)

Also, if you don't have enough electric charge to complete the transmission, it gets interrupted. I can't recall if you get partial science or not, but I know running out of juice in the middle of transmission messes things up (intentionally). When you watch the little window in the top left, it will let you know there isn't enough electric charge.

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Being short on electric charge can cost you science, as the data gets transmitted in dribs and drabs when charge becomes available, and those dribs and drabs don't seem to add up to the full figure. A workaround is to timewarp right after starting the transmission.

To avoid these issues, give ships that will be transmitting the following minimum battery capacity depending on the antennae they have.

If running Atmosphere Analyses (from the sensor nosecone):

Low-gain antenna: 1000

Mid-gain antenna: 1500

High-gain antenna: 2000

If not running Atmosphere Analyses:

Low-gain antenna: 200

Mid-gain antenna: 450

High-gain antenna: 600

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Let me see if i get this right, even if there are some points left in the blue bar, if the % threshold is achieved, no points will be given?

If you're trying to transmit, that is correct. You can still gain the rest of the points by returning things to Kerbin.

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