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[Stock-v0.14x4][Munlander] DI-050-Artemis

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Darkside industries proudly present their latest and greatest lander design. The Artemis is based on DI\'s previous Quad tank design, but smaller with a reduction in weight and the introduction of landing legs.

The DI-050L landing module has enough fuel to finish orbital insertion, complete TMI burn, munar entry burns, correction burns and enough fuel to land. After landing the minimal RCS is used to return home. This has the huge benefit of munar missions without any debris filling up kerbin\'s orbit. The module can be downloaded on it\'s own or comes with the DI-050 launch rocket to get the module out of the atmosphere. In addition the lander is light and powerful enough for practice on kearth (DI test pilots have landed the craft 10km away from the KSS).

Final note: the lander module lacks ASAS, please regularly check attitude during burn phases to ensure craft remains in the correct direction.


To view other photos please visit the photo album here: http://imgur.com/a/FlRC9

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