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Solid Booster Retex doesn't stay on

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Recently I decided to do a reskin of the stock solid rocket booster. I wanted to make it a seperate part as to not overwrite my stock booster's files. So I edited the texture.png with Photoshop and saved it again as a .png. I then edited the part.cfg to use my new skin. When I go in game, my part is there in the Vehicle Assembly Area, and looks the way it should. However, when I got out to the launch pad with it, the skin changes back to the stock skin. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?

BTW, I made a parachute reskin the same way and that one worked.

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Are you renaming all names to be unique, both files and in the config? If all the names used by your new parts aren't unique, the program tends to get confused and can revert to the original part.

Yep I just did some experimenting, changed the general parameters name to something unique and that seemed to fix it. Cheers! :P

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Are you renaming all names to be unique, both files and in the config? If all the names used by your new parts aren't unique, the program tends to get confused and can revert to the original part.

Fixed my problem as well, Thanks!

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Well, I seem to have an odd problem now after giving this advice.

I've got my textures showing and everything is fine and dandy... that is until I reload a saved rocket, all my custom textures are gone. The .craft file is correctly referencing the right parts, but it's not loading the correct textures.

Is there something in the .DAE file that lists the name of the texture file?

This is really bustin' my balls here.

Anyone got ideas?



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The texture that the .dae references should have the name as your texture file, I think. That's the way it is with most games.


So changing the name of the file and the reference in the config file isn't the only thing you need to do? You have to change the in the .DAE as well?

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So changing the name of the file and the reference in the config file isn't the only thing you need to do? You have to change the in the .DAE as well?

Where would you change that, though? After poking around a bit in the parachute .DAE file, I found that it does reference a texture file. Thing is, it references it in this location: C:\Users\HarvesteR\Desktop\KSP\assets pool\parts\parachutes_texMap.png Since that doesn't even exist on your machine, I doubt that's it. Edit: Actually, that's got to be it. Edit #2: No it isn't after all!

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I mean just change it in the modeling program.

That kinda requires you to have it, which I'm guessing most people making retextures don't. Besides, seeing as it's just a .xml file, we should be able to just manually edit it. But I couldn't find any other reference to a png file or a texture anywhere in it. What I found is this:

<image id='Map__1-image' name='Map__1'>
<init_from>file://C:\Users\HarvesteR\Desktop\KSP\assets pool\parts\parachutes_texMap.png</init_from>

<texture texture='Map__1-image' texcoord='CHANNEL0'>
<technique profile='MAYA'>
<wrapU sid='wrapU0'>TRUE</wrapU>
<wrapV sid='wrapV0'>TRUE</wrapV>

That, as far as my rather rusty programming knowledge can tell, takes a png file, assigns it an id, and then uses that id to assign that png file as the texture. But since the png doesn't exist at that location on any other computer than Harvester's, I'm not sure it even does anything.

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Alright, I've figured it out.

I've got my textures showing and everything is fine and dandy... that is until I reload a saved rocket, all my custom textures are gone. The .craft file is correctly referencing the right parts, but it's not loading the correct textures.

What you forgot to do there is change the name of the part. In the part.cfg file under 'general parameters', there's a 'name' attribute, and it must be different from the original part. Otherwise you end up with two different parts that the game references using the same name. That works in the game, but in the .craft file (which is also just a text file, btw) the part is referenced only by its name, and upon loading the saved rocket the incorrect part is loaded.

So rename your parts in the part.cfg files and either edit your .craft files or just rebuild your rockets.

I'm thinking this should also go into the Dev section, a check to prevent duplicate part names should be simple to implement and would prevent this kind of trouble in the future.

Edit: Also, the png file reference in the .dae file indeed does nothing.

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The highlighted parts must be unique. I was able to replicate your 'revert on load' issue by copying a fuel tank, changing the name of its folder, recoloring it red and saving the new texture with a new name, and changing the 'texture' attribute to point to the new texture but leaving the 'name' attribute alone. The game then confuses the new part with the old part due to them both being referenced by the same name when saving the rocket and upon loading it again it loads the original instead of the new one. Changing the 'name' attribute to something else fixed that, but it still left the old .craft file containing the old, duplicate name. Hence the need to edit the craft file by hand or rebuild your rocket with the new, properly named parts.


Edit: No, you don't need to touch the .DAE at all.

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That's what I've been doing all along.

I figured the folder name, the name attribute and the texture file name all had to be unique. Is that not what I have in my parts?

I've even given the DAE a unique name and changed it in config file.

Still no workie! Even with a new ship from scratch.


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Really? Well then I'm stumped. What you could do is pack up your new part into a zip, upload it on mediafire or somewhere, and let us take a look at exactly what you have there. What I wrote earlier is how I was able to replicate the 'revert on load' problem, but maybe you're having a different issue causing the same problem.

Also, it doesn't make one bit of difference what the folder name is, it isn't used for anything as far as I can tell. Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure why the name attribute even exists. The game could just take that from the folder name, which would ensure no duplicates (since Windows won't let you have dupe folders) and get rid of an unnecessary variable in one fell swoop.

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You need a unique folder name if you don't want to overwrite the originals.

As to the name attribute, that's used in the .craft file with an '_#' appended, the # being the instance number so you can have more than one of the same part in the stack.

Here's version 0.4, haven't updated my project post with it since it's not working for me and I don't know how to fix it yet.


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Yep, figured it out. Problem is the '_' character you have in the name attribute. It appears the way the game parses the .craft file is that it considers everything before a _ to be the part name and everything after that to be the number of the particular instance of that part within the rocket. Remove your _'s and you'll be fine.

Nice textures, btw.

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